Combat training and Goku's nightmare

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Goku:ok grandpa so when do we start the training?
Gradpa:wait Goku I need to think what to teach
Grandpa:*hmm Goku is more on the fun and playful but has a lot of potential in him......ok the kame style should fit him*
Grandpa: ok Goku u need to work on your endurance and strength
Goku: ok
Grandpa: but you Vegeta you have a pride which can't be broken in you and your always serious so well rounded kick boxing should be perfect you but you need to contol the rage in you the rage is you great weakness it will lead you to defeate if you don't control your anger
Grandpa:ok Goku you need to do push up and some body work exercise
So he showed Goku in detail because Goku did not understand anything he just said and Goku began to train
Grandpa: Vegeta look at me closely
He showed him reverse punches, jabs,and hooks and ground and upper cuts
So Vegeta begin to train aswell
Grandpa: Goku so is it difficult?
Goku: yes it's really difficult but I am not giving up yet
Vegeta:neither am I!
So they both kept up their trainings and grandpa made it more difficult for them by putting heavy bags in their back but they kept up the training
Gradpa:come on Goku don't stop you want to become strong or not ?
Goku:*wow granpda becomes like a different person when we are trainings*
Vegeta:*I'm really tired but I can give up now*
So they trained for hours and hours and finally they finished
Goku:wow I'm really tired my i almost can't move my body
Vegeta:ha your a weak saiyan i can move my body
But he was wrong he was really tired aswell
Vegeta*argh i cant move my body aswell I'm really tired*
Grandpa: ok come here both of you u two must be tired
So grandpa took both of them in his arms and gave them bath and after that to the kitchen
Granpda: feeling better kids?
Vegeta and Goku both: yeah!
Goku: rice and soup again yes I'm really hungry
And soon they gobbled up the food again before granpda
Granpda: ho ho ok you two go to bed I'll finish the food and go to bed aswell
Vegeta:*yawn* I'm really tired
Goku:me too you want to see who is reach first to bed?
Vegeta:I'll win is that even a question?
Goku:let's go now
So they raced to the bed but they were both reached to the bed at the same moment
Goku:well seems like we're both the first
Vegeta:ha,ha yes
And they went to bed soon after

Later in the middle of the night Goku was having a nightmare of frieza killing them

Goku: huh Where am I?
Goku looked around and he released it was planet Vegeta
Goku:wait how am I back here where is Vegeta
But he saw what he feared the most frieza and his parents really hurt and wounded
Frieza:oh ho,ho,ho die monkeys
Goku:no! Mom,dad!
It was too late but Goku heard him say"good luck son defeat frieza and bring the saiyan's race to peace" and after saying that they vanished
Frieza:your next little monkey hahaha

frieza?Frieza:oh ho,ho,ho die monkeys Goku:no! Mom,dad!It was too late but Goku heard him say"good luck son defeat frieza and bring the saiyan's race to peace" and after saying that they vanishedFrieza:your next little monkey hahaha

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Goku:ahh it was a dream.
Tears began to roll down Goku's eyes as he went back to sleep

Later that morning

Grandpa:wake up kids it's morning
Vegeta:*yawn* ok im up
But Goku was still sleeping
Granpda:huh Goku?
He saw tears in his face
Grandpa:*is he crying? But why*
Granpda:Goku,Goku wake up
Goku:huh oh im Awake
Granpda:were you crying?
Goku:uhh no?
Vegeta was looking at him confused
Goku:i mean no,no I was not crying why are u asking?
Goku:*how did he know I was crying*?
Grandpa:hmm ok let's go eat them
Goku and Vegeta:both
So as they walking to the kitchen Vegeta was looking at Goku and he was whispering to him
Vegeta:were you really crying?
Goku:yes I was
Vegeta:then why'd you lie to grandpa?
Goku:how was i suppose say "I saw my parents getting killed?"
Vegeta:hmm u have a point
Grandpa:ok eat up you two
So they again gobbled up the food as usual
Goku:delicious thanks grandpa
Granpda:ur welcome my boy
Now go and waking again but remember don't go out to far we will start the training at 1(now it was 12 o-clock)
Goku:huh what do u mean two?
Granpda:oh right I don't know what is time ok time is sequence that tells us when an even happened for example I found you at around 3o-clock
Goku:oh ok I get it how many 2 and 3 are there in a time?
grandpa:you mean numbers ?
Grandpa:there is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12
And it restarts from 12
Grandpa:soo look at the time and remember we will start the training at 1 now
Goku:wait so it's uhhh 12 right ?
Grandpa:yes your correct very good
Goku: yes! Ok we will be back at exactly 1
Soo like that they went outside but in the distant they saw something different a building that used to be a shop was now being constructed so they sat in the grass and began talking
Goku:hey Vegeta there used be a house there right
Vegeta:yes but there is many weird looking vehicle now
Goku: lets ask grandpa about it later
And they began to talk about how their training was

-To be continued-

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