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In which Sam surprises Cas with an animal that he, the once angel, takes to liking very quickly...


Castiel heard the door of the Bunker swing open then shut and he looked up to find Sam coming down with a mischievous smirk and a small box held in hand. The once angel gazed at the tall male with a spark of curiosity and had long forgotten the papers and research he had out infront of him on the table. Finally, the other reached close enough as he pushed away Castiel's work aside to replace it with the small, brown, cardboard box. He watched how Sam carefully touched the box with the table. Something about how delicately Sam treated the nonanimate object sent alarm bells ringing off in Castiel's head. But he trusted the human, with all his heart.

Looking up at the younger Winchester he tilted his head a little with squinted eyes, showing that he hadn't heard what he had said. Sam lightly chuckled at the angels small habit as he looked away a bit ''I said, open the box, Cas,''

He hated that he couldn't sense what was inside, with just grace moving beyond and outward. But never-the-less he unfolded the clasped covers one by one. Once opened, he peeked over and could feel Sam watching his every move. Then revealed a small creature of a- ''Hamster!'' he took up the tiny and furry animal gingerly. Eyes full of amazement and wonder. Removed from the small cushion it was initially on, Cas held the hamster in both his palms that were cupped together for the hamster to hold in. And he found himself lightly touching and petting the small creature with his thumb. He smiled at the funny creature and looked up at Sam who was already watching him: with so much love and adoration, Cas felt like he could just melt knowing that this was Sam Winchester, looking at him, like that.

Because Cas new that expression, it was only meant for him, 'his angel'. With or without the abilities of one.

And just before Cas could break off the longing stare, Sam had leant down and over and pressed a sweet kiss to Castiel lips. Warmth spread over his body and there was no way to control it. Still, ever since them being together, he could never wrap it around his head that Sam Winchester loved him. But it was small and beautiful moments like these that told him otherwise. And he couldn't be more happy and content for this wonderful human being he got the chance to meet.

Pulling away, Sam stood up back straight and shoved a hand through his pocket, still grinning from the kiss. Cas choose to look away even though he still felt the others lips lingering on his. He caressed the hamster a little. ''This was just a thank you gift, for- uh, everything, thank you for everything.''

Cas opened his mouth to reply with his regular, ''No need to thank me, Sam.'' But once he gazed at his human again, he decided against it, and instead went it ''Your welcome, Sam.'' Sam nodded at that and turned to walk away. ''What are you planning to call it?" Cas had wanted to ask what but then he remembered what the other had meant, he shrugged and said ''I don't know." the funny hamster sniffed his thumb a little and suddenly Cas had an idea, "What about 'Nosy'.'' he told the Winchester that came back into the room with his laptop and sat beside his angel. He shrugged and thought about it, ''How about Hammy.'' that didn't seem like the best time to suggest it as Dean came in on the lovebirds ''No, I might just eat it.''

Both Sam and Castiel had an expression of threat and confusion. ''What? Come on, Hammy, you guys serious? It's like naming a bacon that your tryna flirt with." he shook his head disapprovingly.

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