Chapter Eight

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Eleven o’clock drew near and there was no trace of Dante or Silver. Mom and dad went to bed an hour ago. It’s up to me to find Silver and bring her home safely. Under no circumstances would mom and dad let this one go unnoticed. She ventures out and thinks she’s freed from her curfew. I don’t think so. Xillon and Zane met up with me and we rushed to the city.

“Where the hell is she?” I growl, balling my fists.

We have been scouring the area for thirty minutes, and with no trace of Silver or Dante. The asshole will wish he had never been born when we find them. Silver is going to face severe consequences.

“I have no clue whatsoever, man. Dante’s scent went dormant in the parking lot of the restaurant we just left.” Xillon points out.

“We should shift and go into the woods. Silver takes cover out there often.” Zane suggested.

“Or we could bypass the hassle and surprise them back at the pack house,” I suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” Xillon muttered, and we slid into his Jeep.


“What time is it, Annalise?” Dante queries as we approach the lodge.

“We made it with fifteen minutes to spare. You are certain my mom said midnight, correct?”

“Don’t worry about your pretty little head, Annalise. I wouldn’t have kept you otherwise.”

“Simply inquiring, since my curfew is ten thirty. I hope mother conveyed that message to father. I could be in a lot of trouble if she didn’t.”

“Have confidence in me, Annalise. I’ll see you inside and make sure you are safe before I depart."

“Okay. Thank you, Dante.”

“There’s no problem at all. No need to fret about me, either. I don’t have a curfew.”

“Jarek doesn’t either. It’s just because I’m a woman. It’s unbelievable since I’m not one to venture out, anyway. No one has ever asked me on a date. Jarek and his minions have intimidated guys that so much as approached me.”

“They’ll have to become accustomed to us being together. I’m not intending on abandoning you, Annalise.”

Dante parks his car in front of the mansion and leaves the engine running. He twists around and clutches my hand.

“Titan was infatuated with your wolf, Larissa. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were mates. I have been smitten by you since the first moment I saw you. You are stunning, inside and out.”

“That’s so sweet Dante. Thank you for tonight. I had a delightful time. We should take things slow. We could fall deeply for each other and then risk leaving somebody with a broken heart. I have grown to care for you in this short while and long for a connection between us.”

He grins and caresses my cheek.

“There’s a but in there somewhere, isn’t there?”

“Yes. I don’t think there is any profit to our delving into this rabbit hole. Thinking of the mate bond makes me cringe. Shouldn’t we be able to select who we wish to be with? Knowing my luck, my mate will end up being Xillon or Zane. If Selene wants to mess with me more, I’ll wind up with Jarek. I mean seriously, look at me.”

I reach up and run my fingers over the contours of my lupine ears and roll my eyes. Of course, they would appear when my heart was racing. I’ve been drawn to Dante since the start. He’s not like any of the other individuals in the pack. Dante acknowledges me for who I am as an individual. He doesn’t care that I am flawed.

"My birth parents discarded me at the pack border when I was only a newborn. Selene has it out for me. You should keep your distance from me, Dante."

“I’ll do no such thing, Annalise. We’ll have to chat more some other time. We should get you inside. I should have kissed you when I had a chance.”

If Dante kissed me, I would become a puddle on the floor. My pulse would speed up so quickly I’d have a coronary. It’s racing now, just thinking about Dante’s kiss. His embraces, which he gives often, are enough to make my thoughts waver and my heart palpitate. I can only imagine how it would surge once he kissed me.

He releases my hand, hits a button, and the doors of his automobile ascend. He scurries over to pull me from the vehicle and we approach the entranceway that leads inside.

I yelp when he yanks me behind him, shielding me with his arms.

“What is this? An intervention, or what?” Dante grunts.

“You have my sister home an hour and a half past curfew. It’s better to collaborate with us than the Alpha, wouldn’t you say Dante?”

“Luna said twelve. We have been sitting in the parking lot for ten minutes. Annalise was back before expected.”

Motion detector lights that surround the mansion flash, and Jarek, Xillon, and Zane approach Dante and me from the doorway.

“I don’t have the faintest idea what you consider yourself, but to my way of thinking, no one allowed you to date my sister. You are on my land, only out of kindness from the Alpha. We could send you and your family packing.”

I pushed past Dante, fuming and ready to draw blood.

“Listen here, asshole! You have crossed the line with Dante and me! I don’t know what the hell your problem is, but I’m done with you. Do you understand? I’m one step away from leaving you incapacitated! Leave us alone!” I holler, prodding Jarek in the chest.

He snarls, clutches my hand, and glowers. “Get your ass inside. Don’t think for a second you can spit orders at me, or harm me. You lack strength. Hell, you don’t even have a wolf. Why mom and dad insist on keeping you around is beyond me.”

“Take that back!” I scream, balling my fists. Tears threaten to pour, but I won’t allow him the satisfaction.

“What? That you are feeble, and lacking a wolf. Or that you don’t belong in this pack? The facts are simple.” Jarek states with a smirk.

Without another thought, I knee him in the balls and sucker punch him in the throat with my free hand. Jarek frees my hand as he falls to his knees, gasping for breath. I send a roundhouse kick to his cheek, making him fly back. He lies there unconscious, which sends a jolt of electricity through my body.

“Would you two like to join him?” I query Xillon and Zane while popping my knuckles.

The front door flies open and my father, the Alpha, forces his way through Xillon and Zane to reach Jarek.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Dad barks.

“In all due respect, Alpha. I cautioned him that if he refused to back away, I’d render him immobile. He kept going despite my cautioning him. I’ll fetch the doctor.”

I approach him, clutch Dante’s hand and pull him towards me.

“You are coming with me,” I order, and Dante tags along, grinning.

“That was sexy. I’m so turned on right now,” Dante whispers.

I laugh, shaking my head. “If he’s lucky, Trex will contribute to his recovery. Poor soul will be stuck in bed for a few days, most likely. Trex adores me so…”

“I hope Trex makes him gravel.”

“I am sure Trex will make him suffer for at least a day before he can’t handle Jarek’s pleading for help. You are right Dante, it was an opportune moment for me to take a stand. I won’t permit him to harass me any longer,” I state as we stroll next door to fetch Cadance, the pack’s head physician.

“You are fierce, Annalise. No matter what occurs, I want you to go to Scotland when that moment comes. This pack doesn’t deserve you. Annalise, you possess a wolf. You don’t need a wolf, though; you are powerful on your own. It would honor us to have you.”

“That would be in two years, Dante. A lot can occur in two years’ time.”

“We shall manage it one day at a time, then. As you suggested; I can’t hold off anymore. I’m sorry,” Dante says softly and pulls me close.

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