Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Sleep now. We have plenty of time to make love later. I’ve been in your position and know how exhausting traveling is.”

Lorna hums in agreement and nestles into me. I throw an arm and a leg over her body, spooning her. Was about to nod off when a scorching heat rocketed through my body and my cock instantly shot up between us. Lorna wakes panting with sweat covering her body, her arousal overwhelming my system. What the hell is going on?

She flings me onto my back, shredding my clothes and tearing hers off as well. Before I could react to what was going on. My cock impaled her heat, and she started bucking fiercely on top of me. Panting and biting her bottom lip until blood dripped to her chin. Her lips crash to mine. She bites my lip and I realize Skylar is in the lead, not Lorna. Our mixed blood coats my tongue and Nox comes to the surface.

‘This will sate us for now,’ our wolves say in unison. Lorna and I pushed so far within their minds we can’t stop them. We can see all that’s going on, but we can’t do or say anything to stop them. Skylar and Nox have complete control.

Next thing I know, Nox pushes her off. Flops her on her belly, grips her hips, pulling them up and impales her from behind. A menacing howl forces its way through my vocal cords as he pummels her cunt until she shatters. He buries his knot inside her and sinks his fangs into her shoulder blade as he erupts inside her.

‘Nox! Oh fuck! What did you just do?!’

‘Relax. I didn’t mark her. But damn, her blood tastes so good.’

‘No, you jackass! You just knotted her! Why? What the hell is wrong with you?!’

‘He took what is rightfully mine. So I’m taking what is his.’ He growls as more of our seed bursts inside her.

‘You aren’t making any damn sense, Nox!’

‘Do I need to spell it out for you? That fucking ass hole has fucked our mate! Skylar is just as pissed as I am. He knotted our mate. So Skylar and I are returning the gesture!’

Everything turns to darkness as Nox pushes me out. I’m not sure how much time passes. I wake inside my mind to Nox and Skylar going at it again. Then darkness consumes me once again. I woke somewhere in the woods, completely naked, in the dark. Covered in blood from the multitude of animal carcases picked clean, scattered around me.

All of my energy had been exhausted. My body ached something fierce. My legs protest against the weight as I stand and try to figure out where I am. Then Annalise’s cave came into view.

Hobbling my way over, I forced my way inside and lit a kerosene lantern I had brought for her. I have come here often over the last month. Hoping she would show up, but she never did. I pulled the blanket that she had covered herself with to my nose, sighing as her scent enveloped my senses. Trudged over to the pile of sleeping bags I had laid out recently. Wrapped myself in her scent and fell asleep.


All was well until I stepped in the shower and anguish washed over me. My body-temperature skyrocketed and fluids from being aroused once again started gushing to the tile floor. Tried desperately to make myself come, but to no avail. Then blindness overwhelmed me. Larissa has completely taken over. A menacing growl forces its way through my vocal cords when Xillon opens the shower door.

I hear him as he steps inside. “Get the fuck out!” I hear her scream through gritted teeth.

‘Wait, no! What’s going on Larissa?!’

Not sure what transpired next because I woke up inside the infirmary with an IV and a breathing mask over my mouth. Shrieking in fright, I swat the breathing mask away and frantically yank the IV out of my arm.

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