Trinity of Entanglement Four

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‘She is an ancient alpha, and she is gorgeous. She could be ours if you would just let it happen and stop being such a pussy. We should trail her and ensure her safety. That is our duty as gamma.’

‘No. She needs her space. Especially from me. What I did last night was stupid. I couldn’t help myself. Now I want her even more than I did before. We need to let her be Janus.’

‘You not bonding with her after what happened last night is what’s stupid. She’ll turn to someone else, if you don’t.’

‘That line won’t work with me anymore, so leave it alone, Janus. There’s no way in hell she’ll end up being our mate. Look at her. She is not only an alpha female, but she’s ancient. She’ll wind up with an alpha for sure. I can’t be with her, knowing she won’t be our mate. We will search for our mate in a year and put this behind us. So lay off, would you?’

‘You know you want her just as much as I do. Not only do we love her, but she turns us on more than any other woman ever has. Now that she has her wolf, she’ll be harder to deny. We’ll deal with the subject of mates when the time comes. For now, though, we should further our bond with Annalise.’

‘Alpha Max and Jarek would never allow that to happen. If Annalise and I were to be together, I would want the universe to know. They would kill us for sure. What’s wrong with her?’

Annalise’s wolf shakes her head and growls, then bolts out of the dungeon’s exit.

‘She’s hungry, dumbass. She just shifted for the first time. Go through the front exit. We’ll shift and guard her as she hunts.’

Janus and I held back far enough that Annalise’s wolf wouldn’t be able to sniff us out. Wolves are supposed to hunt and bring food back to the dungeon, but Annalise had other plans beyond that. Watching her as she scrutinized her appearance in the lake turned Janus and me on to the point we were sporting wood. It took all of my power to make Janus stay put and not go after her. Janus and I had a good laugh when she attacked and ate a few wild animals before taking down a doe. At that point, we sprinted back to the pack house so we would be there when she arrived.

‘You can’t tell me you don’t want to fuck that gorgeous goddess standing naked before us. I could take a bite out of that heart-shaped ass of hers.’

‘Janus, fuck man, shut up.’ I avert my gaze and twist around so no one will see the massive erection that just sprung up.

Thank fuck I’m wearing pants and not gym shorts or something. Or it would be ten times more noticeable. Glancing over, I see Xillon having a debate with his wolf Xavier, I clench my fist and try to keep myself from knocking his brains out. Don’t even think about it, fucker. You might be my best friend, but I’ll beat your ass if you touch her.

Luna Celestia drapes a ceremonial robe around her and they whisper back and forth with one another, so no one could hear their conversation. Whatever it is, I hope she’s okay. She rubs her temples. No doubt a tension headache is forming. That’s normal after having your first shift, but something else seems to be wrong with her as well.


‘Janus, I don’t know what’s going on. She’s awake. I can hear her rummaging around in her room. Why isn’t she answering when I try to mind link with her?’

‘She’s high, man. They gave her something, remember? Her wolf is deep in slumber. That’s the only thing I can think of. You better get down to the dungeon, or Xena will beat your ass for missing her shifting ceremony. You can speak with her later, after the festivities have concluded. She needs her rest anyway.’

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