Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Five

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As Annalise drifted off to sleep, I continued to run my fingers through her long, silky hair. I could hear the gentle rhythm of her breathing and the soft rustle of the sheets as she shifted. The scent of her shampoo filled my nostrils, a soothing aroma that made me feel relaxed. As I continued to stroke her hair, I felt the soft strands slip between my fingers, like silk. Eventually, my eyes grew heavy, and I too fell into a peaceful slumber.

I’m not sure how long I dozed off for, as it felt like a mere moment ago I had fallen asleep. As I stretch my arms, I frown in confusion, trying to figure out the time. I grab my phone from the nightstand, and the screen reveals that we’ve been asleep for over an hour. The smell of lavender coming from Annalise’s diffuser fills the air along with her tantalizing scent that drives me crazy. My shaft stiffens and I wish we had time to have a quickie, but we didn’t. The softness of the cotton sheets against my skin and the warmth of Annalise’s body next to mine, makes my need for her even stronger. But we need to hurry and take a shower before Jarek and the guys come knocking on her door.

Although a simple suckling on the mate’s mark would usually arouse Annalise, it’s not working this time. In fact, not a single twitch comes from her.

“Annalise? Sweetness, it’s time to wake up,” I whispered, nudging her shoulder. However, my attempt to rouse her seemed to be unsuccessful. I rolled her over gently and observed her eyes twitching under her closed eyelids, which showed that she was still in a dreamlike state. We had overslept, and I wasn’t sure how to get her up and moving.

As I rolled her over onto her back, I crawled on top of her and smoothed my hands over her face. “I’m sorry to disturb that amazing dream you must be having,” I said, kissing her lips. “But it’s time to wake up and get ready, baby.” Despite my efforts, there were still no signs of her waking.

I know she’ll probably wake up angry, but I don’t care right now. I tickle her ribs and ease her head from side to side, hoping to rouse her from her slumber. However, despite my efforts, she remains completely still and unresponsive. There are no signs of irritation, no frustrated sighs or grumbles, not even a twitch of her eyebrows. Nothing.

I yelled out Annalise’s name, trying to wake her up. “Baby, wake up! You’re scaring me,” I continued, jostling her body from side to side. Despite my efforts, there was no response from her. It was a bit on the harsh side, but I was worried and didn’t know what else to do.

I stilled myself and focused on listening to her heart rate. It was slow and steady, as if she were sleeping peacefully. Despite my attempts to reach her through a mindlink, I couldn’t get through to either her or Larissa.

‘Xavier, see if you can reach Larissa. Something isn’t right.’

‘I’ve already tried. They are both unresponsive. It’s as if they are gone.’

‘What the hell is going on?!’

‘Normally, I could tell you. But not in this case. I’m sorry.’

As soon as I heard his words, I knew I had to act fast. I immediately sent out a mindlink to Jarek and Alpha Maximilian, urgently requesting their presence. Something was wrong with Annalise, and I needed their help. Without wasting a moment, I quickly clothed Annalise in my shirt and put on my boxer briefs and gym shorts.


For eight agonizing months, Annalise has remained in a peaceful slumber since that fateful day. Throughout this time, I have stayed by her side, only leaving to attend school or let Xavier out to hunt. I often cuddle up with her in her bed, providing comfort in her unresponsive state. After two months, Cadence decided Annalise would be more comfortable at home, so we moved her from the hospital bed to her own bed.

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