Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Three

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Alpha Max snarls. His eyes flash red and he digs his claws into the couch cushion where he’s seated. “My daughter is the future alpha of this pack. The youngest child here. Have you all lost your damn minds? There’s no way in hell I’m letting her shack up and fornicate with two betas. Like she’s a common street whore.”

We haven’t spoken, while the adults have hashed out our wellbeing. Gabriel and Max appear to be doing most of the bickering. Annalise appears as if she’s on the edge of exploding at any moment. Finley and Lorna are far away, but listening. Freaking cowards. Honestly, I wish Annalisa and I could join them. No one seems to pay them any mind. But me and Annalise are stuck in the middle. Shoot me now and take me out of my misery already.

“Would you rather their wolves kill each other? Because that’s what is going to happen if you don’t allow this?” Gabriel strikes back.

What the heck is wrong with this man? Until ten minutes ago, all the moms were subduing their mates. Luna Celestia gave up first. Now they’re huddled on the couch while Max and Gabriel quarrel.

“Gabriel, you have no part in this conversation! What was the initial reason for you being here? You are not the one raising her!”

“In all intents and purposes, you aren’t her father either! I’m the closest blood relative in this room. And I have her best interest at heart!”

“Let me remind you that you are on my land! I’ll send you all back to where you belong! Then we won’t have to worry about all of this ludicrous bullshit!” Max yells, getting into Gabriel’s face.

Annalise stands and shoots, “What about what we want?! Lorna hasn’t been here eight hours and I scarcely know Finley. I am sixteen freaking years old!” She shrieks, squeezing her eyes shut.

Yup. I’m familiar enough with Annalise to understand this brief outburst was on the surface. I’m surprised she suppressed it this long. She’s been trying to get their attention for some time now.

She balls her fists tightly. Her eyes burst open, glaring at them as she continues with her ranting. “Stop talking about us as if we aren't in the same room! You don’t have a clue what’s going on! If you would allow us to speak, maybe you would all understand that shacking up together isn’t even what we want! Or having multiple mates, or whatever the hell this is, that is happening to us! We don’t want it! All we hope for is to be with the person we love! Regardless of who our true mates are!”

Damn, she’s hot as hell when she’s angry. She’s going to make a damn fine female-alpha someday. Her face flushes with rage, and I can see tears of fury glistening in her eyes.

Gabriel’s searing gaze pierces into her and he replies, “Do you know how challenging it was for my true mate and I to have a child after we came across each other? Because I had already mated and marked another. We united when I was seventy and she was eighteen. I’m close to being two hundred years old. Dante and Declan just recently turned seventeen. If you don’t choose the correct mate, you may not conceive and bear pups.”

“Then so be it, uncle. We all agreed earlier on today. That we would reject our true mates if it came down to that. So we could be with the ones we love. Finley and Lorna have been together for four years. Xillon and I have been a couple for two months. But we’ve grown up and have spent our whole lives together. Profound love has to be enough to win over a mate bond. If that’s even the case. We have no clue. But we are too young to figure it all out, anyway.”

Alpha Gabriel furrows his eyebrows and asks, “Do you know what happens when mates reject each other, love?”

“It’s rare that rejection occurs. So they don’t teach us about such matters in school. No, would have to be my answer to your question, uncle.” Annalise proclaimed, tearing her gaze from her uncle to glance back at me.

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