Chapter Fourteen

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“You, my child, are the daughter born of my father, creator of all things, and my mother, creator of shifters. At one time, put in human terms, they knew you as the goddess Aphrodite. In time, you will recollect where your soul originates from. You hold the power of three powerful beings in one. Which is why my twin sister Zadrial inhabited you. You were the only one who could withstand her power and not perish before she could carry out her plan to seek her Twin Flame. I must go back and let mother know where Zadrial is located. I could only tap into her via our twin bond. Being inside her consciousness, I can see and feel everything she has planned.”

“So what am I exactly? Has Zadrial always been inside me? Is that why I was born as a freak? My life has been hell because of her. I haven’t been able to manifest my wolf Larrisa because of her meddling with my life. And what exactly is a Twin Flame?”

“No. Zadrial inhabited you just before you came of age to shift into your wolf form. She wants to take control so she can stay on earth and be with her Twin Flame. Twin Souls, if you will. Twin Flames are essentially one soul split in two. It is the ultimate connection to have even beyond that of a soulmate connection. Zadrial was disconnected from her Twin Flame when he left our planet for earth. She was able to connect with him through dreamscapes and found that he was here on earth as a wolf shifter. She told me she was going to do everything in her power to get to him. I should have taken her more seriously.”

“You still didn’t answer my other question. What am I? You said I am three entities in one. Apparently I was born a freak from the get go. I just want to be normal. Is that too much to ask?”

“You, my child, are an angel, werewolf hybrid. Essentially you are part human, part wolf, and a celestial being. You made a request to leave the celestial realm to live on this earthly plane to seek your Twin Flame, as well as your fated soulmates. Zadrial made the same request, but as heir to the celestial realm, they denied her request. Zadrial has plans to take control of you wholly so she can be with her Twin Flame. She holds your angelic and wolf counterparts captive. You must break through her barrier. Don’t let her take control. I know you have more questions, but Zadrial is fighting me. I must go tell my mother and father. The power of five, along with the aid of the werewolf king, will assist you. I’ll do what I can to get aid to you from my end.”

“Wait, before you go. Who are you?”

“Hum. In time, you will remember the time and where your soul was created. As well as other lifetimes, you have lived on other planets beyond the celestial realm. You have always been a wanderer, dear child. I will help you by saying that I am your eldest sister, Zamial. You were the last of the souls born of the creator of all things and our mother creator of shifters.”

Zamial waves her hand in the air and I’m blanketed in darkness.

Groaning with annoyance at a blinding light being shown in my eyes, I swat the object to get it away from me.

“She’s back with us. Go get the Alpha and Luna.”

“What the hell’s going on?” I ask, squinting as my eyes adjust to the light.

“Annalise, it’s me, Cadance. You have been in a coma for two months. Xillon has not left your side until now. Alpha and Luna are in a neighboring pack, too far away for the mind link to work.”

“That’s impossible. I was only gone for a few moments.”

“No dear. You have been asleep for two months now. Xillon has been by your side the whole time. Only leaving to eat and tend to himself when needed. Do you remember anything that happened?”

“I remember nothing but darkness and a voice telling me that the power of five, along with the werewolf king, would be able to assist me in connecting with my wolf. I remember Xavier, Galith and Titan being there before they were cast out by…”

Try as I might, I can’t remember anything. I can only recall mere fragments of what happened when I was lost inside my head.

“Um, prisms. Rainbows glistening everywhere. It was beautiful, and then darkness. That’s all I can remember. Xillon could tell you more than I can. He was there.”

“Prisms, hum, okay. They were trying to connect with you, but they didn’t succeed in reaching you.”

“No. That’s not right at all. They were there with me. In the beginning. They vanished. They were cast out. I swear to you they were there. I’m not crazy. The power of five and the werewolf king. I need them to help me connect with my wolf. I’ll die if I don’t connect with my wolf.”

“Annalise, dear. You caught a high fever and hit your head. Xillon said he noticed something, a shift in your consciousness the night before you became ill. He said you seemed possessed. He said your voice changed and your eyes flashed silver. Are you sure you can’t remember anything?”

“You are obviously not listening to me, damn it. I know I’m not making sense. None of this makes any sense. All three of their wolves were there with me. I remember speaking through the mind link with them. I remember a bright light, prisms of light, then all three of them vanishing and then darkness. A voice in the darkness telling me I needed the power of five to connect with my wolf or I would die. I’m not making this shit up!”

‘Think Annalise, think. What are you missing?’ I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and tried to remember what unfolded within my mind mere moments ago.

‘She has the power to wipe memories clean. I’m afraid. Save me, Annalise.’ A meek voice whispers in my subconscious.

‘Am I hearing things?’

‘No. It’s me, your wolf Larrisa. She plans to kill you and use me so she can shift into a werewolf. She wants to dominate and rule over the earth, along with her fated mate. We don’t have much time. She’s distracted. That’s the only way I was able to reach out to you. She is the heir to the Moon goddess Selene. Remember what you were told. She is powerful. You are not crazy. Remember who you are, Annalise. Remember what she told you? Quickly, before it’s too late.’

Suddenly, snippets of my conversation with the being who was holding my subconscious captive started streaming through my brain waves. Why am I always shrouded in darkness?

“I don’t remember everything, but I know that the Moon goddess Selene’s daughter has taken my wolf captive and plans to kill me so she can be with her soulmate, who is here on earth. She’s a powerful being. I can’t remember seeing her. All I see is darkness. My wolf has reached out to me. I need the power of five and the werewolf king.”

“We’ll sort all of this out once Alpha Max arrives. Rest Annalise.”

“I can’t fucking rest when I know I’m going to die if something isn’t done now!”

Cadance picks up a syringe from a nearby tray and pushes the fluid through an IV sticking out of my arm. She smooths her thumb over my forehead soothingly.

“You will not win, Annalise. I will be with my love, and you won’t stop me. No one will.”

As I drift off, I look into Cadance’s eyes to see they are flashing silver. Suddenly, just before I succumb to sleep, the memories of my time with my sister Zamial come flooding back to me.

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