Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Six

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I sighed and embraced Xillon, putting on my best pouty, pleading face. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me to speak to my mother?” I asked. “We might have a better chance of coaxing her to be on our side if you’re there with me.”

“While there isn’t much that scares me, Annalise, your mother, my Luna, is one of the few who does. Therefore, I cannot go. As you know, I have a firm stance on this matter and believe it is best to wait until you turn eighteen to do the right thing.”

“Well. I guess I’ll need some luck then,” I said, feeling uncertain. “But don’t expect any sexual favors from me for a long time. You’re supposed to be on my side,” I added, pulling away and making my way towards the door.

“I love you, Annalise. However, if enduring a year of abstinence is the price I have to pay for not going against your mother, then I’m willing to do so.”

I shake my head, feeling a mix of annoyance and frustration, and stick my tongue out at him. And he smirks at me before I forcefully slammed the door shut. The sound echoes down the hallway as I take a deep breath, feeling my chest rise and fall. I walk down the hallway, the carpet soft beneath my feet, and ascend the flight of stairs leading to the Alpha and Luna’s suite. As I climb the stairs, I can feel the cool wooden railing beneath my hand, and the faint smell of wood wafts through the air. I take another deep breath, inhaling the scent and feel a sense of calm wash over me.


“Mama,” I said, my voice filled with exasperation. “I don’t understand why we have to wait.” The room was stuffy, the air thick with the scent of lavender and the sound of cicadas outside the window. I rose from the bed, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. Frustration coursed through me as I waved my hands in the air, trying to release the tension building within me. “We already know that we are fated mates,” I continued, my eyes meeting my mother’s.

“Annalise,” my mother’s voice was stern, “I understand that you and Xillon are eager to mate, but you are only sixteen years old. Therefore, I cannot allow this to happen. It is final.” She motioned for me to sit back down on the bed next to her. The sound of her voice was like a sharp whip that cut through the air, making me feel small and ashamed. I complied and sat back down next to her with a huff.

“I must say, I am extremely disappointed in both of you,” my mother continued. Her eyes bore into mine, and I could feel the weight of her disappointment crushing me. “I thought that you, two of the most mature teenagers in our pack, would be the ones to make it to your mating ceremony with your virginities still intact.”

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, and I looked down at my hands, which were clenched tightly in my lap. The soft cotton of my dress felt scratchy against my skin, and I longed to change into something more comfortable.

“It’s not fair,” I muttered under my breath. My mother’s head snapped up, and her eyes narrowed.

“What did you say?” she demanded.

“I said it’s not fair,” I repeated, my voice a little louder this time. “We love each other, and we’re ready to take the next step. Why do we have to wait?”

My mother sighed heavily and rubbed her temples. “Annalise, I know you think you’re ready, but you’re still so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Trust me when I say that waiting a year won’t make a difference in the long run.”

I knew she was right, but it didn’t make it any easier. The thought of waiting one more year to be mated with Xillon felt like an eternity.

“Xillon and I have always felt a deep bond, one that seemed to suggest Selene meant for us to be together. And now, Selene has confirmed our suspicions: we are, in fact, mates. Mama, I know this may not be what you were hoping for, and for that, I am sorry. But we cannot change what has already happened.”

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