Series Epilogue

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Laying her back down on the soft bed, I trail a series of tender kisses down her delicate neck. A soft moan escaped her lips as I suck and nibble on the flesh, anticipating the moment I’ll sink my teeth into her and mark her. As my fingers brush against her slick bundle of nerves, I can feel the warmth of her desire, causing pre-cum to drip from my hardened shaft. “You’re more aroused than ever before. I can hardly contain myself, Sweetness,” I whisper, my voice filled with anticipation. Her hips arch into my fingers, stretching her opening, as she lets out a low growl of pleasure when I tease and suck on the stiff peaks of her ample breasts. It doesn’t take long before I envelop her swollen clit with my mouth, savoring the intoxicating, tangy taste of her essence. A loud scream escapes her lips as her juices explode around my fingers. I replace them with my eager tongue, lapping up every drop as if I were famished, savoring her pleasure.

“Xillon please! Don’t make me wait any longer! I need you inside me!” she screams as she comes down from her orgasmic high. “I’m ready for us to mark each other! Please, Xillon!”

She doesn’t need to tell me twice. This long-awaited moment arrives after several months of longing. We’ve chosen to make it special, abstaining from any intimacy beyond gentle kisses and affectionate cuddles. We even put personal pleasure on hold. As I kiss my way up her torso, my hands caress her soft breasts and neck. Without hesitation, I enter her in one smooth, fluid motion. The intense heat and exquisite tightness make me gasp with pleasure. She cries out; her nails digging into my back as her walls convulse and perfectly mold around me. It feels reminiscent of the first time we shared our virginity together. I struggle for self-control, yearning to prolong the pleasure and delay my climax.

Still panting, I bury my face in the crook of her neck, at her mate mark, inhaling her intoxicating scent. My words come out in a breathless mumble, “Don’t move. If you do, I’ll lose control, and that’s not what I want for our marking and mating as fated mates. Please, just relax, baby.” As I speak, I feel her muscles loosen and the vice-like grip of her legs around my hips releases. “That’s it. Just give me a moment, my sweet. Have you noticed a change in my scent since you turned eighteen?” I revel in the aroma of ripe watermelon mixed with the earthy fragrance of the forest after a rainfall. “Your scent has become even more intoxicating to me now. That’s why I’m asking.”

“Yes, like you with my scent, your scent is so much stronger now. Mmmm…” she moans as she nuzzles her nose into my hair. “You smell like ripe oranges straight off of a tree and lush pine trees. I’ve always loved your scent, but now… mmmm…”

Xavier growls within my mind, prancing around with his tongue hanging out. ‘It’s time. You must mark her now. It’s the most amazing feeling ever. I’m happy to be getting this experience twice.’

His words ignite a surge of energy within me. I reach for a soft pillow, positioning it beneath her hips, aiming to penetrate her with the utmost depth. As our bodies intertwine, I clutch her head, pressing my lips against hers. Being inside her, without the barrier of a condom, floods my senses. Her pulsating walls envelop me, creating an exquisite ecstasy. With every thrust, her moans and heartbeats harmonize with mine, intertwining in a symphony of pleasure. As we reach the pinnacle of passion, our primal instincts take over. We fiercely sink our teeth into each other’s flesh, marking our each other. Visions of past lives flicker through my mind, and a celestial display of shooting stars illuminates the darkness. The heat radiating from our bodies intensifies, heightening the intensity of our union. The taste of her blood, reminiscent of succulent watermelon infused with tangy limes, lingers on my tongue. Each time we make love, we will mark one another, symbolizing our eternal bond.

I turn us, our bodies entwined, allowing Annalise to rest her head on my chest while we wait for our tangled embrace from my knot to loosen. Soon, sleep overtakes us as I remain inside her. In the night’s darkness, we stir, awakening to the desire that consumes us. Throughout the night, our bodies dance in passion, our lovemaking filling the air with whispers and sighs as our hearts beat as one. Exhausted, we surrender to our desires, and together we drift into a peaceful slumber, allowing the next day to slip away into blissful rest.

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