Chapter Twenty

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My mind is reeling from what happened today. Trex let go enough to let me be a part of the hunt, and I could feel the mate bond. I’m the one that suggested we go for the wild hog that we could scent from miles away.

It’s tough for me to make sense of my emotions. I’m really distressed about Silver being accepted into the Pack as an Alpha female. I’m unable to sense the mate bond unless I’m in my wolf form, so I’m thinking of rejecting her. If I were to do so, would I be given a second chance, mate? Only a few have been granted that blessing over the millennia. I wouldn’t be able to assume my role as Alpha of the Blood Moon Howler Pack without a mate. Silver would be the one to become Alpha, and there is no way I’m going to let that happen.

“Seriously! This is such a pain in my ass!” I hear Silver scream from next door. Then something shatters as she throws whatever it was against the door.

‘Trex, what the hell was that?’

‘Maybe as her mate, you should go check on her. That would be my guess, dumbass.’

Silver shrieks, then throws something else against her door. I slam my door open, then slam her door open, only to have a hairbrush thrown my way. Thanks to shifter agility, I duck just in time.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“You, Jarek. You are my problem. Get the fuck out!” Silver screams and chunks a jewelry box at me. I duck again and the box collides with the wall behind me and jewelry flies everywhere.

‘Crazy bitch is trying to kill us.’

Silver glares at me and searches for something else to throw. While she’s distracted, I run up and catch her in a tight bear hug.

‘Don’t hurt her, Jarek.’

‘I won’t. I’m keeping her from hurting herself, or us. She’s gone nuts.’

Silver thrashes and attempts to break away from me. She’s putting up a hell of a fight, but I don’t release her.

“Silver, stop, damn it. Chill out. I will not hurt you.”

I pull her down with me so she’s resting in my lap and caress her cheek with mine. If this doesn’t help soothe her, I don’t know what I’ll do. She sobs uncontrollably, and it’s heartbreaking.

‘Maybe the mate bond could help her, Trex,’ I suggest and Trex comes forth, just enough that I could feel an electric charge course through my body. Silver’s body goes still and she whimpers.

“What’s wrong, Annalise?”

I figured calling her by her given name would help. I release her arms and place a kiss to her lupine ear and a spark ignites at the briefest touch. Sighing, she reaches up to caress the lobe and shakes her head.

“I thought after transforming into my wolf, I would be like everyone else. That my eyes would stay blue, and my ears…”

Her words trail off as she sobs.

“They are thicker and stand up taller now, and my eyes are all three hues combined. Selene hates me, you hate me. I’ve worked so hard to gain acceptance in the Pack. I have faced rejection since I was born and will continue to face rejection because I am a freak of nature, as you and everyone else have pointed out throughout my life.”

I spin her around so she is straddling my lap, stare into her gorgeous eyes and smile.

“Your eyes are beautiful, Annalise. This rendition of them really has my attention. I have been prone to vertigo in the past. I don’t know what to say for your ears, though.”

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