Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Eighteen

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Slammed her door and marched toward her bed. Annalise cackles in surprise as I throw her on the bed and leap on top of her. Was just about to crush my lips to hers when a loud bang ricocheted throughout the mansion, accompanied by a menacing growl.

Pulled Annalise from the bed as I stood, grasped her hand and yanked her toward the door. “We should check that out and see what the hell is going on, don’t you think?”

She nods her head in agreement, wrenches her door open and says, “at least we know it’s not Zane having a freak out moment this time. Don’t know about you, but I didn’t recognize that howl. I wonder who it was?”

We sprint down the stairs to see everyone crowded around the exit with concern, conversing with one another. Walked over to Zane, who was up front next to Finley and asked, “Hey man! What’s going on?”

He shrugs his shoulders, elbows Finley in the ribs, and states, “Don’t you think you should go get your woman? She’s not familiar with her surroundings. She could get lost out there.”

Getting between them, I shove Finley toward the door, yelling, “Lorna’s out there! Why the hell aren’t you going after her?!”

Xavier perks up and starts pounding through my defenses to take control. ‘Why the hell are you all standing around yelling at each other instead of going out there to bring her back?!’

Barely made it outside before shifting. Xavier sniffs the ground so he can track her scent and we sprint towards the forest. ‘We need to train harder, Xavier so we can match the ancients in speed. Hell, she could be up the mountain by now.’

He comes to a halt, sniffing the air, then howls. Lorna’s wolf sends a return howl in our direction. If Xavier could roll his eyes, I’m sure he would do that. In annoyance he shoots a reply, ‘She’s at the lake dipshit. She didn’t go far.’ Then he sprints toward the direction the howl came from.

We come to a halt and perch ourselves next to Lorna’s copper furred wolf. She looks the other way, doing her best not to acknowledge our presence. Xavier nudges her paw with his and says, ‘I’m Xavier. We’ll need to converse as wolves since they have not inducted you into the pack yet. I’m sure you don’t want to shift and talk as humans. Would you mind coming back with me? The others are worried about your safety. Frankly, so am I.’

Her menacing, vibrant green eyes glare into ours and cut into our soul. She grunts and looks away again. Xavier huffs and tries again, “We can’t apologize for something we have no clue has happened. Whatever Xillon and I have done to upset you? Talk to me, please.”

She glances our way again, shakes her head, huffs, then collapses to the ground with annoyance. ‘I’m Skylar. It’s not you necessarily. It’s Annalise. Apparently, she’s got her paws sunk into not only you, but my mate as well. Well, I thought he was my mate until you came along. Now I’m not sure. I’m angry because he’s only been away from me for a month and has somehow found someone else. I would think you would be upset as well. Considering she’s your girlfriend. Where is he, by the way? Shouldn’t he be the one here explaining himself?’

Xavier lays down next to her and stares out into the water and with reluctance says, ‘They had a connection, just like the one you and I had. Xillon and I reacted somewhat as you have. But they have had no interactions with each other since the day they met. Until yesterday when Finley got knocked out. Wasn’t the best experience being the ones to carry him to the doctor, with Annalise fussing over him the whole way. Thought to be our mate until now. Like you, we are now somewhat perplexed.’

Skylar stands, moves closer to us, and nuzzles our ears with her nose. Our bond is stronger while in wolf form. Xavier whines at the electric shocks shooting through our system. She whines and walks away from us and says, ‘We should go back. Would you mind having Finley to bring some clothes out to us? I’m afraid I shredded Lorna’s while shifting. I know that’s a lot to ask, but we don’t know anyone here. She’s reluctant to walk around naked in front of everyone.’

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