Chapter Twenty-Three

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“My apologies, Xillon. But, I need to dress and get downstairs before dad bursts into flames. You are welcome to come in, if you’d like. We could talk while I'm putting on my clothes. By the way, you look handsome.”

And that he does in his black tuxedo with a silver undershirt that brings out the color of his grey eyes exquisitely.

Either I have devised a method to close off his thoughts or he is totally empty of any thought. He sniffs the air and clenches his teeth tightly. I take a look and observe a new door has been inserted and look back at him timidly.

“You replaced my door? Did someone help you? Because I don’t understand how you had the time to do the work by yourself.” I ask as I open the door and walk inside. He continues to stare quietly. “Xillon, get your ass in here, damn it,” I say and yank him inside.

“It smells like sex and Jarek in here. I’ve suffered enough already. I’m struggling to stay in here right now. Being in the same room with you while you smell of him is too much for me. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Xillon clutches his chest, sniffles and walks out of the door with his shoulders hunched. I can feel his pain surging via our bond and all I want to do is lay down and bawl my eyes out.

I don’t regret giving myself to Jarek. It was the most amazing experience of my life. We are now connected through the mate bond, and the past is behind us. My heart aches for Xillon though, and I must do everything in my power to make things up to him.

I splash on as much makeup as I have time to put on and let my wet tresses hang loosely down my back. Dad is fuming, and I don’t have the luxury to dry my hair or do anything else. I pull on some fresh panties, pull the silver gown over my head, spritz on some perfume, and dash out the door.

My eyes widen once I reach the end of the staircase and take my place between Xillon and Jarek. All the senior members, in addition to leaders and upcoming leaders, those having their first shift and their relatives and acquaintances are all here. Even the Omega’s that tend to the residence and their families are also present, in addition to the packs high ranking warriors. A shifter ceremony is normally low key, with shifters, loved ones, and family present at the event. Why are the elders here? Something must be going on.

“Now that my daughter has arrived, I have an announcement, everyone. We have a distinguished guest arriving in two days. I cannot divulge who it is for our safety and theirs. Preparation for their arrival will start at first light. That being said, those of you who are here for the shifting ceremony make your way downstairs. The rest of you must take a breather, for the coming days are going to be demanding and depleting.” He says waving his hand in the air dismissively.

“So, he isn’t upset, then?” I ask Jarek as I grip his and Xillon’s hand and pull them towards the shifting ceremonies dungeon.

“He has more urgent matters to contemplate, I imagine.” Jarek says and growls at Xillon when he attempts to embrace my shoulders.

“Stop it!” I scream and slap Jarek on the chest. I shove Jarek aside and encircle Xillon with my arms to safeguard him. Jarek snarls again, scowls, and retreats.

“I’ll take a shower and clean myself thoroughly and stay with you tonight. If you opt to forgive me, that is. Xillon, I'm deeply sorry for what has transpired. I don’t plan to turn down either of you. I understand if you choose to deny me, though. Zane, on the other hand, can rot in hell for all I care.”


“Yeah. Zane is my mate as well. You should have heard the musings running through his head when I shifted. They were horrendous. Jarek’s weren’t all that great either, now that I think about it. But he and I have left the past behind us, so we can move forward.”

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