Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Annalise is mine!” Xillon seethes through gritted teeth as he slams his fist into a wall, creating a massive hole. His eyes glow dark gold, showing Xaviers anger. Xillon claws at his clothes, ripping them to shreds and I know he’s moments from shifting.

“Xavier, stand down, damn it! I can’t do anything to protect or defend Annalise or myself right now! Xillon, get control over your wolf!”

“Annalise, baby, I’m so sorry for this,” I whisper, and pepper her face with kisses.

Male shifters are taught it takes a knot ten minutes, sometimes more, to go down. Annalise’s cunt keeps contracting, which keeps my knot engorged and my seed continues to flow. I hope this condom does its job, or she and I are screwed, because damn, I could fill a glass with the amount of fluids flowing inside this damn thing.

Xillon shakes his head, growls, and pins me with his grey eyes. “Please tell me you used a condom and didn’t mark her. Or by god, I’ll kill you. She chose me, yet you slither your mangy ass into her bed. You don’t deserve her.”

“One manufactured specifically for wolf shifters Xillon, and no, I didn’t mark her. She’s my mate too, unless you have forgotten. Turn your ass around and leave. Close the door on your way out,” I command, and Xillon storms out of the room, slamming the door so roughly it breaks through the border and hangs open at the top.

“Are you okay?” I ask, caressing Annalise’s cheek.

“I'm all right. The mate bond lets me feel Xillon's suffering and rage. Also, I can hear his thoughts. He feels betrayed. By you and by me. I don’t know how we are going to fix this, Jarek? What am I to do about being mated to you both? I don’t want to reject either of you. I don’t want to choose.”

“We can’t do anything about him right now. I don’t want to share, you, but I will for all of our sake. I’d rather share you with Xillon, then lose you. We both just need to relax, so my knot will go down. Are you regretting making love to me now?”

Annalise has so many mixed emotions running through her right now, and it’s hard for me to pinpoint what she’s feeling. Euphoria, blissfulness, anguish and sadness.

“Hell no, Jarek. Just hold me, okay? If it weren’t for Xillon interrupting us, I would want to go again. I know before I said it was just sex, but now… You and I are so much more, Jarek. I can feel the mate bond now. More so than I did with Xillon. Please tell me you will not change your mind and go back to the way things were before.”

“No, baby. I’m hoping that you will be mine, forever and always. Forgive me for my words, but you’ve always had me by the balls. Though you never knew, and now you have my heart. We need to figure out how to disclose this information to mom and dad.”

“That’s easy. You keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking,” Annalise says and we burst out laughing.

I rolled over on my back, pulling Annalise with me so she lay on my stomach and caressed her back as she sighed, softly nipping at my mating mark. After a few minutes passed, my knot depleted and my cock fell from her cunt. Her cum gushes from her pussy and my cock stands to attention once more.

“We need to get cleaned up and get to the shifting ceremony. Want to accompany me in the shower?”

“As long as we go to your room. I hope no one walked past while we were naked on top of my bed. Mom is going to rip Xillon to pieces.”

“Of course, babe. I’ll get you a new door put in. You can stay with me tonight in my room if you’d like.”

“I need to fix things with Xillon, before we get too comfortable, Jarek. Would you hate me if anything were to happen between Xillon and me?”

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