Chapter Twelve

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I said it before and I'll repeat it; Silver will be the Pack’s downfall. Our future alpha will remain confined to bed for a while because of her. It’s my job to get rid of the problem. If it weren’t for her, Jarek would have brothers and sisters to strengthen his line of succession. Like me, I have seven siblings, and Xillon has five. Silver came along and Luna Celestia became barren.

Jarek has always pussy footed around the fact that we should torture her, so when she turns eighteen she’ll leave on her own. Now I’m leaning towards removing her in the present. Two years is much too long. I’ll be head over military tactics and guard. Protecting the Pack is in my blood, and that I will do. Disposing of Silver is of the utmost priority.

‘You are insane. If you think for a second, I would let you touch her.’

‘You’ve stayed loyal for the past twelve months. What’s changed now?’

‘If you want to call not healing broken bones and not coming to your aid when a human virus attacks you, standing by. Then I need to up my antics.’

‘You are the reason this last year has been hell! Growing up, I was never ill. Shifters, even when they are young, can’t catch illnesses. It’s hard to break a bone. You come along and I’m rendered useless.’

‘Maybe you should listen to Xillon and quit your shit. Or do you want to stand by and see things unfold that are not in your favor? I have the ability to take over, you know. You can observe, but not do anything about what’s happening. You, Xillon and Jarek are all weak. That’s why Jarek will be bedridden for a time. Jarek deserved to get his ass whooped.’

‘I'm finished with you. I was stronger before you came along.’


I could sense the severance of my wolf, Janus, as the connection between him and me frayed. I’m sure he’s in there somewhere. Xillon stated that Janus would reappear when Silver felt threatened.

If I could somehow abduct her and drop her off states away, she would never find her way back. The Alpha and Luna have sheltered her to the point of never exiting the Pack’s territory. It’s not as if she could contact anyone to assist her.

“Help! Oh my goodness! Annalise!”

The shrill cries of my Luna reach my ears and I dash toward her. She’s in Silver’s room. One would knock, but I decline. Slamming the door open, I raced to her ensuite bathroom to see Silver shaking on the floor.

Xillon rushes in after me, with shock in his eyes, and terrified by the view before him.

“Don’t just stand there! My baby!” She shrieks as she tries to keep Silver steady as she thrashes on the ground.

Xillon positions himself beside them. He rests a hand over her heart and one on her forehead and all movement ceases. Her breathing is shallow, but with Janus gone, I can’t detect her heartbeat. I pissed him off this time.

“Don’t just stand there; fetch Cadance. She should have arrived with Jarek by now.” Luna commands, and her eyes glaze over as she sends a mind link. I roll my eyes and stay planted in the doorway.

I might not have to abduct her. Silver might make my job easier by ceasing to exist all together. Wouldn't want to miss that momentous occasion, engaging someone Luna is already conversing with.

Xillon presses his hand to Silver’s chest and peers into her eyes. “Luna, look at her eyes. They're all three shades instead of transitioning between the three like usual.”

“What’s happening?”

“I glimpsed another being within her tonight. It seemed she was possessed. Hell, I don’t know, but whatever it is, I believe it’s trying to take over.” Xillon says and closes Silver’s eyes.

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