Trinity of Entanglement Twelve

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‘Change and cover those marks, or there’s going to be hell to pay!’

‘Get the hell out of my sight before I knock your head from your body!’

It’s hard to discern if he was linking with both of us, or if I was hearing his thoughts as he commanded us to leave his presence. But I knew that some meditation was in order, before I was surrounded by a whole slew of shifters, I hardly knew. Or another run through the woods. It’s imperative that my uncle help me keep my special abilities in check.

“Don’t touch him! We didn’t do anything wrong. I’m still a virgin daddy.”

He narrows his eyes at us. “Max, remember how it was for us before we came of age. You did that very thing to me all the time dear. Marking your territory, so other male shifters would know to stay away. Annalise, it would be wise for you both to leave for the time being. I’ll contact you when it’s time for the celebrations to begin.” With that she growls, grasps dads wrists and pulls him toward the rear exit of the house.

“Apparently this is something all male shifters do. Did you know that my mom and dad remained virgins until they were sure they were mates? Mom’s only a few months younger than my dad. But they dated all throughout high school and stayed faithful to each other until my dad turned nineteen and had his coronation, to become alpha of the Blood Moon Howler Pack. They made it that long, I’m sure we can.”

“That was twenty some odd years ago, Annalise. Numerous things have changed since then. Cell phones were mainly flip phones. The internet was barely beginning to advance. I want that for us though. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m determined to hold out, until we know for sure that we are mates.”

Smiling mischievously, I clutch his wrist and he follows me as we ascend the stairs. “I’ll do my best to behave. No promises though.”

Yanking my dress off, I plop myself down in front of the mirror, grab my concealer, then dabbed all the spots that needed to be hidden. As I worked to blend the makeup over the marks, I grew more annoyed by each passing moment. There are teenage shifters walking around the pack daily with markings just like mine. Why do I have to be singled out?

“This is bull crap!”

“It’s fine, sweetness. You’re the alpha’s daughter. I should have known better than to mark you, but I did it anyway.”

“You know what really sucks. There’s eleven months between us. You’ll be almost twenty before we can know for sure if we are mates or not. Unless you find your mate after turning eighteen. From what we know, it’s impossible to resist the mate bond. I hate to say it, but maybe this is all one colossal mistake. Maybe we should stay away from each other.”

“Don’t speak that way. I’d rather have this time with you, while we have the chance. If the time comes and my mate ends up being someone else…” He inhales sharply and shakes his head. “Look, we won’t know for sure until I turn eighteen. We have over a year before that happens. So just chill and let's enjoy this time together. That’s all I’m asking.”

“I hear what you’re saying. But, I don’t want to hurt you, anymore than you would want to hurt me. I’m just saying…” Scowling at myself in the mirror as I blend the makeup into my flesh, I contemplated my thoughts. Xillon’s right, we should enjoy our time together while we can. “Never mind, you’re right. I’d rather have this chance to be with you, than to never have this chance at all. Well, this is as good as it gets. You can still tell that the marks are there, but they aren’t as visible as they were before.”

“I took the liberty of picking some clothes out for you. It’s the least I could have done, since I was the one who left all the marks on you,” he says as he lays the garments down in front of me.

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