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Sasuke though about it for awhile. I need to kill him. He's just a idiot, I cared about.

³Naruto walks inside and looks around and doesn't see Sasuke."I'm home" he says taking off his shoes. He walks closer to his room until someone grabs him behind. "Ack!" He yelled "Who are you? Where is Sasuke‽". He turns to see the person. Sasuke? He's eyes widen. "Sasuke, what are you doing?". He doesn't respond but tightens his grip. "Sa-sauke I can't breathe" he whispered. Sasuke drops him and kicks him to the wall. He pants trying to catch his breath. Sasuke grabs his hair and looks at him. "Sasuke? What happened? Did I do something?" Sasuke stare at him " I can't.." he stumbles. Naruto looks at him with worry " I can help you !" Sasuke holds his head from remembering the dream "Naruto... I need to kill you" Narutos heart stopped and his eyes widen. "Sasuke.. hold on we can talk about thi-" Sasuke let's go of his hair and grabs his neck. Naruto struggles for air and kicks Sasuke away from him. He hits the wall a cross and Naruto coughs for air. Naruto gets up a looks at sasuke. Sasuke gets up and charges at Naruto grabbing his sword. He swings at naruto hitting the wall.

³"Sasuke what's going on? You were fine? No?" Naruto said upset. Sasuke frowned "Shut up , Shut up, SHUT UP!" And punches Narutos stomach. He charges to Naruto and throwing him on the floor, pinning him. He reached for his sword and brings it to his neck "Sasuke.." Naruto cried. Sasuke stood still, shaking. Naruto noticed. "You're not okay. What bothering you?" He asks. Sasuke looks at Naruto " Why? Why do you care so much? I've try killing you before and again. I hurt your friends, destroy the things you love. But still you forgive me and take me in‽ " Naruto looks shocked at Sasuke and then gives him a soft smile "You're my friend, Sasuke". Sasuke sighs and pulls back his sword. He gets off of naruto and naruto gets up a bit. He looks at sasuke who's looking down away from Naruto. Naruto tilts his head to look at Sasuke.

³"Hey is it okay you tell me what wrong?" Naruto questions. "I just had a bad dream and put it on you" he replied. Naruto felt surprised but relieved that he didnt do anything to hurt Sasuke " ok, so what was the dream about?" Sasuke got silent. There's no way I can tell him. Sasuke looks at Naruto "It was..the massacre. I still think about it at times. Plus Itachi is gone so it makes sense" Naruto got closer and hugged Sasuke. Sasuke felt surprised on how warm Narutos body is. He slowly put his arms around Naruto. He felt shocked that Sasuke hugged him back since he never accepts things like that. Naruto pulls away leaving Sasuke, cold. "We should go to bed, it's late" naruto laughs. Sasuke nods getting up and giving his hand naruto.
The two go to sleep, leaving Sasuke wondering if he should bother getting another dream like before.

★Sweet dreams★

¹"Sasuke". I wake up in a empty field with out any trace of anyone. Someone pokes my shoulder behind. Naruto, of course. he's smiling brightly again with a basket next to him. "What's the basket for?" He looks at it " my friends, there are many flowers here". Sasuke looks surprised "flowers? What kind?" Naruto brightens up and opens his arms " ⁸yellow roses" yellow roses huh, not surprising." Where are your friends Naruto?" He looks around and points over there. I look at the direction he points to, a mirror? I look closer, the rookie 13. "That's a lot of flowers" he looks at me and laughs "yeah but it's worth it. Friends mean everything to me." I feel myself warm up to Narutos words. "Wanna help me?" He asks." Sure" I don't really have much to do anyways.
⁸,⁽ʸᵉˡˡᵒʷ ʳᵒˢᵉˢ ʳᵉᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗˢ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈˢʰⁱᵖ⁾

"That should do. Now we can give them to everyone!" He jumps. Naruto sticks his hand out to Sasuke "come with me" I takes his hand and he runs around town handing out flowers. A large crowd surrounds and he pushes though losing my hand. I feel a flower in my grip. It's a ⁸lavender rose." Naruto!" I called for him but he kept running. "Wait.." I pushed through the crowd, they aren't even people, just shadowy figures."excuse me.. sorry.. Naruto!"

⁸'⁽ᴸᵃᵛᵉⁿᵈᵉʳ ʳᵒˢᵉˢ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵃˡˢᵒ ʳᵉᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵃᵗ ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ ˢⁱᵍʰᵗ.⁾


Sasuke wakes up sweating. He looks around to see if Naruto was around. Damn he must've left already he thought. He lays there unsure what to do. He flips around and then stares at the ceiling.

A few weeks past by and sasuke continues having strange dreams. Naruto isn't sure what to do to help Sasuke.
End of narrator


Sasuke wakes up to the ceiling with his hand on his chest. Again.. man this keeps getting worse. He thinks a bit more before getting up to start the day. He looks around and decided to go in the village to see if he could find any type of information on what's happening.(He transformed)
He walks around the town until he stumped on the library and walks in. The librarian greats him and he looks down the aisles. I need a category of dreams or meanings, something like that. He slides though the books looking for anything similar. He stops and finds a book on the history and means of the mind. He grabs more and sits at a table to study. He skims through the pages to anything that's useful. He stops on a page. 'The body's feelings.' he continues to read to till he notices it's about.. sex. He blushes and switches the page. He continues down the book to another page titled 'Strange dreams?' he sighs finally finding what he was looking for. The page reads of meaning of certain dreams but not any of that he had. It starts talking about why people appear in dreams.'Sometimes those we love or care about appear in us. Old enemies to old friends matter to us still.
He stares at the page. He reads more 'showing love or sex in dreams can represent connection and desire with them or an aspect of them'. He thinks a bit. Well I've never dreamt of that but kissed him before in a dream.

He finally puts the book away and starts going back to Narutos apartment. He paces the room wondering what he'll do next.
Naruto opens the door and sees Sasuke sitting on the bed , thinking. Naruto takes his shoes off and walks over to him. "Is something wrong?" He asks. Sasuke looks up at him " No". Naruto looks at him suspiciously and sits behind him. "What did you do today?" Sasuke asked. Naruto eyes widen a bit since Sasuke hardly cared about things like that." Oh uh, me and Sakura helped planting flower for a girl" he smiled." Oh" Sasuke sighed. " Yeah, I get the feeling she still resents me" he whined. " You still like Sakura?" Sasuke asked. Naruto looks at him "um yeah. Well shes still in love with you but-"." You ever thought of liking someone else?" Naruto stopped and looked at sasuke.Sasuke snapped about what he said." Oh um I've never-, well why?" Sasuke frowned at him. " Because she's obviously not into you. You should find someone else" Naruto looked at him in shock. Is he jealous for Sakura? He though." Well it's not like I'm taking her from anybody, if you interested in her, I'm sur-". Sasuke grabs and pins Naruto on the bed. "It's not her I'm jealous of" He outraged. Naruto looks up at him in fear." Then who is it you're thinking of?" He concerned. Sasuke squeezes his arms and looks down at him with sorrow. "It's...you"




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