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«you know where the songs at»
<3 check out pathetic ^^


"Hiya, mister"
To see him is a relief. I really wonder if this is how Naruto was at 4 years old. He tower above me. "You know, why are you helping me?" I said still laying on the ground. He shrugs and motions me to stand up. I grunt and got up to see him hold out his hand. "Come on" he said eagerly. I held his hand and he started walking beside me. We walked for what seemed like miles. He trouts while humming and kicking rocks. "Where are we walking to anyways". He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm just here to let you sleep". I was surprised to that response from him. "Then the others? Why are they preventing me from sleeping or playing with my mind?". He didn't respond. "It is of Naruto? Does he really hate me?". He panicked and shook his head quickly, "no it's your regrets! You're close with him and since he's your closest friend, it reflects off him to you". My brows frown. "How much do you know? You look young". He chuckled.

"I don't have an age! I look like him but it's just to play with your mind! I'm here to guide and protect you". I scoffed and glared down at him, "What else do you know?". "I'm you. Or more yourself consciousness. Although I look different and act different, I'm you!". If his suppose to be me but in a Naruto form, then what are the others? "Hey, if that's true then why are those two here?". "They're here since you started crushing on Naruto". Oh, what wait. "Crushing on Naruto?". He laughed "yeah it's obvious. You both fucked, twice. Not to mention we come from the mind,..and heart". I felt my chest beat. "It's never mattered how I felt, he would see me at way".

The small child sighed. "If you feel that way then speak to him about it. The heart always beats faster with loved ones". "No I can't. He'll be weirded out. I don't even know how to express it". The child pouts and frowns. "The only way to learn, is through experience". He jumps and flicks my forehead. "Wake up and tell him". And I slowly felt myself sink in and closed my eyes.


³ He jolts awake to see Naruto staring up at him. He sighs in relief and looks around. "What are you looking for?" Naruto asked. "Nothing, just making sure I'm awake". Naruto shrugged and yawned. Sasuke swang his feet over the bed. Naruto crawled over to him to get out. Sasuke turned to him and thought about the smaller Uzumaki's words. No, not now. He gets up and walks to the kitchen, Naruto following him.
The two sat down and talked. "We should eat something". Naruto looks inside the fridge. He scratches the back of his head, not sure of what to pull out. "We have eggs". Sasuke shrugs his shoulders. "Alright eggs it is then!".


"When's your mission?". "It's around noon, so a few hours". Sasuke glanced with relief and looks down to think about what to say. "Agh! Theses mission are so annoying. Their all D rank". Sasuke chuckled and pushes his arm. Naruto pushed back, laughing. "It's not hard but since the war. Their isn't much to do". Sasuke knew if the war was to capture jinchūriki, the village wouldn't let him be running freely.

Naruto continued to rant about mission, making Sasuke admire him more. The smile of Naruto makes him doubt he'll confess. He brushed it off and continued to hear naruto ramble. "Anyways, I should get going. Sakura will get mad again if I'm late" he finally wrapped up his rant. Sasuke eyes him chuckled.

Naruto got up and put his shoes on. Sasuke hands his headband to him. Naruto giggled before grabbing it, looking at him. Tap. Sasuke taps Narutos forehead with his two fingers. Naruto blushed and put the headband on. He left, leaving Sasuke by himself, again.

Naruto on the other side soft felt his forehead. His heart fluttered and he continues to walk to the hokage's office.


Water pours down the faucet. Sasuke gets in and sit in with his knees close. He circled the water and closed his eyes. Man, this is harder than I thought. He felt his heart sank remembering the words of that child. He's right. I'm a such a coward. How can do everything but confess feelings? He moves his legs completely in the water.

He never rejected me for years. I should just tell him... No, it's not like me. I just can't, not out of the blue. How could I even. He wouldn't see me the same. Maybe if I was more caring or show another way of affection. He leans his head to the wall. I just want for him to know I care for him.

Tap, drip, off.


¹I figured a plan to monitor the dreams. I just needed a journal to keep track.

Off I went to the village as a lower profile villager. It wasn't hard finding a merchant with a journal. I payed the guy and he hands it over. "Oop! Sorry!" I heard a woman dump into me. I glanced at her. It's Sakura. She looked back at me as a turned to head back.

¹That man felt familiar. He reminds me of... No, no ,no Sakura stay focused!

³He got back and opened the journal. He started journaling of his latest dreams, what he thought of the Narutos, what the child said to him. Creek, slam. "I'm home".¹ Narutos back. Should I tell him of it. No, it doesn't important him. I look around for a place , before looking at my arm. I could add the journal with my shurikens.

Naruto stared at Sasuke sitting at the table. Say something. "Hey". Really. "Hey sasuke". He just got silent, mentally facepalming and screaming. Naruto grabbed a ramen cup and got some water to boil. "I don't feel like cooking today. Are you hungry?" Naruto asked. Sasuke wasn't sure to respond, so he just nodded. Naruto looks at him at loss. He shrugs it off and waited the three minutes. He rests his head on the counter with his hands below his chin. Sasuke looks at him, looking at his lower hips. Naruto noticed and got up quickly blushing. Ding. The three minutes were up.

The two lay down together and Sasuke turns himself to see Naruto. Naruto smiles at him. Sasuke lifts his hand and double guesses. Naruto looks at him with woe. He grabs his hand and slipped his fingers in with his. "You know, that tap;it made me feel...content". Sasuke's feeling just grew more after the confirmation. "Naruto, I..". No, I can't. He shakes his head and sighed. Naruto looks at him with his charmed eyes. "It's ok, one day you'll be able to feel better about being yourself. Till then don't rush it" Naruto comforts. Sasuke scoffed and gave a slight smile.




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