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"A small token can change a life."


A shadowy figure runs to leave konoha.
He sprinted around the village, running to get out. He ran quickly and passed a dark haired girl with light lavender eyes seeing him. She looks at the figure running in top speed. "Byakugan!". This person's chakra is... Sasuke?! She began to chase after the dark figure. He's holding someone. She used  her eyes  to see better of the person. It's.... Naruto! She hurries, knowing her friend and love was endanger. "Hey! You! Stop". She yelled. The figure continued speeding off, and turn his head to see who was following him. He didn't recognize her and decided to take an alley way. She followed him, eventually cornering him. "You! Drop Him!". She yelled.

He reveals himself and placed Naruto softly on the ground. She gasped. "naruto..". He charged at her. She didn't have much time to react. He kicks her out the alley way. She gets up and gets in her stance. Her hand out and ready to attack. "eight trigrams 64 palms!". He sighed and prepared to take her out. She used her two fingers and aimed at his chakra point. He dodges her attacks. He didn't want to harm her badly,so he decided to knock her out. She persistently charges at him, missing. He activated his sharingan and charges back at her. He lands another kick, before she hits the ground. Hinata look up and panted to keep her breath. "I.. I wouldn't let you hurt him!". He sighed. "I won't". Her eyes widen. The response given wasn't expected. "But for now; I need to keep you quiet. ". She didn't get to react or respond before he quickly disappeared, behind her. She slowly turned before he pinched her pressure points on her neck, leaving her out cold, on a bench.

He went to pick up Naruto, and began to run quicker. The was only sometime left before the gate guards switching was over. He dashed out the gates and jumped on a tree. He pushed off the branch and jumped tree by tree, getting far away from the village. He was now full conscious and scared knowing he messed up big time. It was for trusting the lofty but now the was no turning back. The deal was done.


"Gone? What do you mean he's gone?".
Lady Tsunade slammed her fist on the table, furious. "They said they found Hinata laying on a bench near the gates". Reported Kakashi. "When? Did she wake up?". Tsunade asked. "Unfortunately, no, not yet, but! She isn't injured!". Guy said giving his winning grin. Tsunade sighed and nippled on her nail. "We'll get my student Sakura to look at her! Just don't tell her what happened, she would be devastated!". She ordered. Kakashi and Guy nodded, leaving the office.

"Hinata?!". Sakura exclaimed. Kakashi nodded. "We'll need you help to heal her". Sakura gave a determined face. "Of course! Let me see her!". The two jonins shook their heads, leading her to the leafs hospital. The arrived at Hinata's room. Sakura knocked, before opening. She saw her dear friend laying peacefully on her hospital bed. She got straight to work. She did a scan of her body one more time just in case the other nurses missed something. "It's nothing serious. It seemed she got knocked out by her pressure points. But who would do such a thing?". Sakura wondered out loud. Kakashi looked at guy and back to her. "Me and guy will report to lady hokage, stay here until see wakes up, okay?". Kakashi ordered. Sakura nodded,as the two left. She turns to Hinata, who was waits to wake up.

A small gasp left Hinata mouth and she got up slightly. Sakura jolted up. "Hinata! Are you okay? Don't get up". She laid her down and looked at her sincere. "What happened? Do you remember?". Hinata thought about it for a few moments. Yesterday night?. "I was busy buying some groceries, and I was walking around the village to get home".  She responded. "I remember a person was running very fast and..". She froze. "Naruto!". She yelled, getting up. Sakura holding her arm with a hand and her shoulder with her other. "He's gone!". She cried. Sakura eyes widened. "Gone?! What do you mean gone?!".  "The shadowy figure! He was holding him! When I used my byakugan, I sensed his chakra!". Sakura got up, letting her go. She ran out the room, calling a nurse to check up on her. She stumbled and ran as quickly as she could to Narutos place.  Please! There's no way the masked man got him! I can't let him go!

She sprinted up the stairs of the apartment complex. She runs to him door, aggressively knocking on it. "Naruto! Are you in there!?". When she heard no response and panicked. Sakura moved her chakra to her fist, powering to knock the door down. Smash. She carefully walked inside and looked around. There's nothing in the kitchen that's unusual. She glimpse in the bathroom and walked into his room. Nothing's destroyed. She looked at his nightstand to see a picture frame turned down. She picked it up to see it was the team 7 picture. She turned around to the bed to see his headband. She gasped. "Naruto!". She yelled. She collapsed on the floor, as tears drop to the ground.  Out of anger, she punched the ground.  We'll find you!


Hinata sits up as she's being asked questions of her night the other day.  It's an ANBU squad, since other anonymous reports were made after the news broke out of Narutos disappearing. The leafs hero was gone and the nine tails inside of him was gone as well. Lady Tsunade made other ninja groups set out to find the kidnapper. Kakashi knew that Sakura by then found out. He went to his apartment to she her crying in his room, with a dent on the floor as well. She looked at him with anger and determination in her eyes. "We will find him".  The only problem was of the war in 2 days. Her , Kakashi, and Sai, only sent off to find him, within the 2 days. Even with time running thin the group would be dedicated to find their teammates.



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