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I start crying with this song ^


Naruto started to make his away to Sakura's house. He pulls at the sleeve ends end of his jacket. He thinks of the last weeks, and how this became to be. His behavior to him and how he had been treated. Sasukes dreams are brushing on him. He got a bit violent with waking up from dreams like that. He kept kicking rocks from the ground. He remembered the times he slept fine and wasn't feeling horrible. But what changed? He tried what Sakura said. And he still feels like shit after doing things with Sasuke knowing she liked him for years. He knew his feeling were pure to him,but their trust was hurting. That sudden change scared him like his behavior and actions. Not all of them were bad, just him and his dreams. He wished he was honest to him and told him what was going on.

He finally reached her house and knocked on the door. He heard Sakura yelling just for Mebuki to open the door. She peeked to see Naruto standing there looking at her. "Oh, Sakura it's your friend!". She opened the door wider just for Sakura to pop her head out of the door frame. "Naruto?". She knew he hardly comes over unless it's something important. "Um, mom is it alright if we hung out a bit in town?". She asked he mother. Her mother agreed and she slid out of the door way. "Ok then, you two kids have fun!" She smiled before closing the door.

The only time (other than canon,and missions) Naruto went to her house, was to talk about Sasuke back in og Naruto show, they later hung out but at other places than her house.(⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)


"It's been forever since we've walked together like this, what's up?". She asked. Naruto kept his eyes on the ground, knowing he still couldn't tell her the truth. "Nothing much, just felt like hanging out". He responded. She looked at him suspiciously and knew he was oblivious lying,it's was so rare he ever came by like that. "Come on, if you're gonna lie, at least be believable". He looked at her surprised. He scratched his head and sighed. "I don't know anymore to be honest". Her face saddens and worried. She never liked seeing Naruto cry or upset. "Here, come on". She grabbed his hand and took him to the park, determined to make him feel better.

Before, all Naruto ever done for me was care and protected me. It's my turn to do the same; to repay him. It's crushing my heart seeing him like this. He doesn't deserve to be miserable or mistreated by anyone!

They sat together on a spot of the roundabout, as she wait for him to start telling her what's going on. His mind and eyes stick to the ground. He couldn't bring himself to face her. "I'm not going force you to talk but remember I am here if you need anything". He covered himself with his hand blocking her view of his face. She heard soft sniffing and tearing dropping on his lap. She lightly sided hugged him. He covered the rest of his face and leaned in her. "It's ok" she whispered. "We don't need to talk about". She placed the side of her head on the top of his.

"It's probably stress you're feeling, Naruto. You overwork yourself and get tired easily. I know about the promise you made me, but it's now just mentally draining you. I can't have something close to me suffer for my love life and stupid decisions,you know. It hurts me to see you this way. You cared for everyone, including me. I just wanted you to take breaks and minimize your tasks, okay?". She didn't expect any response in return from him.

He kept quiet and wiped his eyes. He looked at her sincere. "I appreciate you, Sakura. I don't know what Id do with out you". She softly laughed and smiled after. "So do you wanna tell me what's going on?". He sighed. He wasn't sure what to tell her. He knew there was so much he could keep from her. "I don't know, it's just..". She waited for him to warm up a bit. "Just.. me and a friend aren't getting along". She looked surprised when hearing that. "Friend? I know you cherish friends deeply but you haven't cried other someone". She got hit with realization. "Did you find someone you love? Like a girlfriend?". He shook his head. "Hm, well what happened?". He stopped to think. He just realized he didn't know what to say. He's on thin ice. "Well, erm. Remembered when you told me about uh, bounties?". She looked at him confused. Bounties? What do they have to do with anything? She thinks a bit, before realizing what he meant.Oh, boundaries!."Oh you mean boundaries, right?". He nodded. "Well remember when you said to place them in friends? I kinda didn't tell them". "Oh ok, but what does that have to do with anything?". He began to worry. "Well,um, they kinda stepped on it".

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