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This song 💘^^


Naruto walked up to his apartment, exhausted from his mission. He swings his arms at his side while whistling a small tune. His head keep wondering if he can commit to the relationship with Sasuke,and accept that he may be into men. He shrugs and looks at the keys in his hand. Is this what he wanted? It wasn't a nightmare. The memories of being laid and small moments of Sasuke trying to care,flushes his mind, and causes his stomach to blush. He hugged himself and decided to breathed from a bit. The most part for him was he a least got his friend back. Or can he call him a friend, yet anymore?

Opening the door, he sees him sitting on the bed. He looks up at him and looked away after. He knew that he was going through something thats bothering him. Naruto felt a bit neglected from him distancing himself from him. Naruto crossed his arms to hug himself ,tight before confidently walking up to him.

He breathed in before couraging an question to him. "Sasuke, I believe we need to talk". Sasuke looks at him with his heels on the side bedframe and his arms wrapping his knees. He sighed and used one to pat next to him, telling him to sit down. "What is it?" He mumbled. Naruto felt anxious and felt himself sweating. Come on, naruto. You got to tell him! He heard his inter self say, just to call his outer side weak. "I think it's about your dreams. It's concerning me". Sasuke give him a side eye. "So?". Naruto glanced at his hands,putting on his knees. "Listen,I think..; no,It's.." he hesitated to finish looking at sasukes eyes, dark and dull pearls.".. kinda worrying me.". He finished, and focused on the floor not wanting to make contact. Sasuke noticed the trembling in his voice, he knew it certained him too. "Then what do you suppose we speak about it?". Naruto brought his attention to his response. He thought a bit and reluctantly responded. "I give you 5 minutes to get things off your chest. I won't say a word, not a sound until you finish". Sasuke didn't expect that response and messed his hair before deciding to agree. Naruto lifted his legs to the bed in a cross-leg position. Sasuke turned himself to him.

"So what do I do?" He asked. Naruto grinned "well.., you can say anything you want me to know. Weither it's about my actions, feeling, or something else you want me to know". He tried remembering from the original time when him and Sakura tried. She told him of the idea, since patients would be scared or be traumatized. She said it's a great way if letting others know of their feeling and builds trust. Although he wasn't like her, he'll try to help his friend get better. "In just 5 minutes?". "Well maybe not that little, but to start some where would help!". Sasuke placed his hand on his chin and paused thinking. It's more time than needed. "Fine, let's do it".

"Okay, and..start". Naruto pays his whole focus on Sasuke with a soft smile. The atmosphere got silent has sasuke awkwardly looks at him. He didn't expect him to be paying that much focus on him. "Well,..um". he wasnt sure what to share. But couldn't skip the opportunity to express himself. He thought of topic, his feelings towards him. He inhaled and then exhaled, ready to go. "Well, I feel.. sometimes...". He hesitated but continues. "That you are..um, special to me?" He felt embarrassed and wasn't sure what to say next. "Erm, and when you leave I feel..um,I don't know..cold?". He shook it off and thinks of what else to say. "I feel..warm around you..but have the need; don't know, destroy you?". Naruto expression widened. " I'm not sure what to express around you. It's like..I'm anxious when you leave me here". Sasuke doesn't look at him,as his voice gets quieter at the end. But decided to continue. "And my dreams never helped. They just get worse, and fuel the anxiety". He lightly glances at Naruto. "I just wished I could say something or anything to prove my.. feelings towards you. But sometimes I feel I'm just not good enough for you. Like.. you won't see me more than that rival friend you chased from evil". He got quiet and looks at the ground. Naruto looks at him and smiles. "Is that it?". Sasuke glanced at him and nodded. "You can go". Naruto was surprised, although he didn't feel like sharing. "I'm alright. I don't have much to say anyways". Sasuke scoffed. "So I poured myself out not to get a response?".

Naruto sighed and mentally facepalmed. "Well, it's not long,but I feel we're getting closer together". He hesitated if he should mention what he felt. It's part of the exercise, trust. "But.., I can't help feel weird 'doing things' with you. Just in a bigger relationship with a friend..is kinda strange. I understand how you feel,but..Im..still..". Sasuke interrupted before he finished. "So you dont feel the same way?". Naruto freaked and shook his head quickly. "No,no,no! I meant-". Sasuke turned away. "Come on! Please don't be like that! Im still..". Sasuke snapped at him "still what? Second guessing? Do you really have feelings towards me?" Sasuke replied without any expression. Narutos eyes saddened with his brow folding. He felt himself shaking and wasn't sure on what to respond. "I.., I care about you". Sasuke didn't buy it looking away.

Naruto looks at him with sorrow. He knew he needed to prove himself. He slowly lifted his hand to the top of his jacket. He grabbed the zipper and carefully unzipped his jacket, slowly, all the way down. Sasuke turned to him seeing his bare chest with the ⁸kusari on top. "Naruto, hold on-". He concerns. Naruto grabbed Sasukes head to the left side of his chest. He heard his heart racing. Does this mean..?


⁸(ᴷᵘˢᵃʳⁱ ʷᵃˢ ᵒᶠᵗᵉⁿ ʷᵒʳⁿ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵉⁿᵗⁱʳᵉ ᵒᵘᵗᶠⁱᵗˢ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉⁱʳ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ, ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᵗˢ ᵗʷⁱˢᵗᵉᵈ ʷᵉᵃᵛⁱⁿᵍ ⁱˢ ᵛᵉʳʸ ˢⁱᵐⁱˡᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᶠⁱˢʰⁿᵉᵗˢ.)




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