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«Song» ^ Jazmin babe <3


³Naruto woke up to his legs feeling on fire. "Naruto?". Naruto looks beside him to see Sasuke looking at him. "Sasuke. What happened?" He gets up. "My legs feel they are on fire!". "We um.." Sasuke jesters his hands to one and stick another a hole. Naruto looks confused until he realizes what he meant. He remembers and turned bright red. "Naruto listen, you should call off today. You're not in the best shape or mood." Sasuke suggested leaning on the bed. He puts his head on the bed, waiting for a response. "Sure, but how?" He asked." Well I'll assume when you don't show up, they'll send someone to get you". Naruto scratches his head "yeah I guess you're right". Sasuke chuckled " you know, last night I didn't even go in all the way" he commented. "Sasuke!" Naruto yelled and tried to punch him. Sasuke catch it making Naruto angrier. "Whatever loser, you should eat something". Naruto tilts his head to Sasuke's response. "Ok" Naruto tosses his legs dangling on the edge of the bed. "Hold on Naruto!" He attempted to walk but almost fall when Sasuke catches him. "Ah! My legs!" He screamed. "Naruto you need to be more careful". Naruto looks over at Sasuke " and you need to be more gentle!" He puffs. Sasuke smirked and brushes it off." I didn't know you're so tight naruto" he pointed out. Naruto covered his face in embarrassment. Sasuke scooted closer to him. He closed up to his ear " Next we'll try being faster" he whispered. He wimped at the sound of his in his ear." Leave me alone!" Naruto mumbled under his breath. "Or what? You want to go again?" He said kissing his ear. "Agh! I hate you!". Sasuke backed away and pulled Narutos arms away from his face. Naruto turns away from him.

"Really?" Sasuke scoffs. "Hmph!". Sasuke pulls Naruto in and attempts to carry him." No! Put me down!" He screamed. "If you feet touch the ground" he smirked. Naruto gave up and layed on his back. "You still need to eat" Sasuke reminds him. "Hmph, I lost my appetite" he replied. "Nice try" sasuke carries him to the kitchen and places him. Naruto crossed his arms and sat quietly. Sasuke sat across him "Is something wrong?" He asked him. "Just.. thinking about yesterday". Sasuke tilted down his head before saying " you need some painkillers". Naruto nodded "No I'll be-" then pain passes his bottom to his legs. Sasuke got up and walked to a cabinet. He grabs the medicine and hands it over to Naruto. "Take something" he said while he filled a glass of water. "No I'll be fine" he responded. "I wasn't asking" Sasuke barked back. Naruto put the pill container on the table and crossed his arms. Sasuke banged the glass on the table. "Take it, now" Naruto shook his head. Sasuke grabbed the container and pour one on the palm of his hand. He crawled towards Naruto. "Wait hold on, I was kidding! I WAS KIDDING!".

Sasuke placed naruto in the bed and sat down beside the bed. " Ya know, you could've been nicer" naruto frowned. Sasuke scoffed and replied " and should've listen the first time". Naruto stared at the ceiling till looking at Sasuke.
"Is something wrong?" He asked. Naruto just reached out and patted his head. Sasuke looked at him with a pouting face, just like when he was a kid. Naruto laughed and removed his hand. "My legs feel better". "Hm, that's good". Naruto thinks a bit " maybe next time you should be more gentle". Sasuke took the thought, " and next time learn to loosen". Naruto blushed and looked away from him. "I was just saying!". Sasuke gave a slight grin "I know but it felt my dick might break, like a glow stick". Naruto crossed his arms. "Sorry". Sasuke's face loosens "it's alright, we'll probably do it more often you'll get better". Naruto swinged at him just for him to catch it. "Agh! You are so-!" But before he finished . "Calm yourself". Naruto let's go of the comment and laughs.

A few moments later and knock is hear at the door. Sasuke turn to Naruto who was already looking at him. "Naruto! It's Sakura!". He panicked "what should we do?" He whispered. "I'll hide but can you walk?" Sasuke whispered back." I think I can manage, it's just the front door". Sasuke nodded and walks in the bathroom. Naruto gets up and holds on the nightstand. Alright. I got this. His heart pounds thinking they'll finally get caught. He focus chakra on his feet and walked the door. He opens the door "Sakura?". She smiles turn into madness really quickly "so why didn't you tell us you weren't coming?" She said with her fist. Naruto felt sweat drops falling down his cheek. "I uh wasn't feeling well". She stopped and worried a bit. "Oh why didnt you say that sooner? Do you need anything?". He smiled "No I'll be fine but tomorrow I'll be there". She sighed "Ok but don't over work yourself!". He laughs and she waves goodbye. "See you tomorrow Naruto!" She happily walked away. He closes the door and turned around. Phew now I can- he bumps into Sasuke and looks at him. "She seems happy" he commented. Naruto felt out of place hearing that. " Yeah maybe". Sasuke holds naruto and walks him to lay down again. " You should rest" he suggested. Naruto laughed " Yeah.It getting dark". He patted his side to Sasuke "Come on". Sasuke smiled internally and laid next to him, falling asleep.


Bye bye 👺👹

Bye bye 👺👹

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