"GØ0D8¥3 Kºⁿ⁰Hª"

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Me fr 😍🙏^


It's not worth crying for!
"You're wrong! I'm capable of fighting in this war! You don't know what the hell you're talking about!". Naruto yells at him. Sasuke frowns. "So you are! What happens if you fail? Huh? We'll all be doomed! Everyone just lies to you! In their head, they think you're a weapon! That if you fall in the wrong hands, someone else would use you again! Not like they were using you before!". Sasuke barks back. "So?! It doesn't matter! It.. it doesn't bother me..". Naruto responded slowly getting hesitate. His breathing was slowing down and so was his heart rate. Sasuke looks at him, still frowning. "It does matter". Sasuke broke the silence. "It, it doesn't". Naruto reminds. "Then you're out of your god damn mind". Naruto fell silent. Small droplets fall to his lap. He got up and grabbed his headband and darted to the front door. "Where the hell do you think you're going?!". Sasuke yelled. Naruto put on his shoes quickly and began to open the door, before speaking one last time. "Somewhere. Somewhere far away". He slammed the door and walked down the stairs.

Sasuke froze and then panicked. He knew he messed up. That stupid lofty. I couldn't convince him. He mumbles and tightly crumbles his fists. "Then take him away". A voice said behind him. He turned to the see the lofty. He held out his hand to his side. A smaller hand places itself in the lofty's. It reveals itself to be the younger Naruto. Sasuke steps back. "What? How? This time I'm wake,and not dreaming. How the hell are you here?!". The lofty laughs. "We are you. Remember?". Sasuke relaxed and then frowns. "If so, what are you doing here?". "We are going to help you". He smiled. Sasuke gave a confused look and crossed his arms. "Help? How?". The lofty smiled widely. "Just say yes and we'll have your back". Sasuke looks at the door. What other choice did he have? He may never actually come back or leave to the mission. Sasuke hesitates. The lofty notices his hesitation. "Come on, he'll never listen unless you force him". Sasuke shakes, he wasn't sure.

Fear was slowly catching up to him. The door was taunting him. He felt his heart racing and his head reeling. The words of lofty got to him. He started to hyperventilate and felt the pressure rise up to him. He yelled out "Fine! Let's do it". Lofty started chuckling lightly. Sasuke stared at him in confusion. He started to laugh maniacally. Sasuke felt himself panicking. "I can't believe you're this stupid!". He yelled charging at him. Sasuke attempted to turn around, to start running, until a painful shock strikes his body. Lofty merged inside of him, holding the younger ones hand. Sasuke felt himself shift out of consciousness. The world got darker for him, as he slowly collapsed on the floor, lastly seeing the bathroom door, before seeing black.


Naruto walks around the village, pissed and upset after the argument between him and Sasuke. He sees Sakura standing on a swing swinging. She looked upset and increased her speed. He entered the playground and walked up to her. She looks at him and slows her speed. "Hey naruto-!". She stops at eyes him. "You look upset". "So do you". She let the comeback slide and looked at him. "Is something wrong?". She asked. Naruto walked to the swings and sits on the one beside hers. He hesitates to say anything. "No not really". She scoffed. "Yeah right". He eyes her. "yeah? What about you?". She got quiet. She never liked the idea of talking about parents to him. "Just home issues". He sighs. "How about you?". She asked. "Um, friend issues". She looked at him frowning.

"Is it the same person?". He thinks a moment. "Yeah". She crossed her arms, before putting them back, not trying to fall. "You told them your boundaries?". "Yeah, it not about that again". She felt surprised knowing it's something else. "What happened then?". He got quiet. This sucks. I can't even be honest to my best friend. She's worried and I can't even tell her the truth? "I rather not say, or at least not here". She looked around. There was a few people around. She jumped off the swing and offered her hand to Naruto. He takes her offer and she takes him to her house.

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