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Y'all remember this meme?^


Sasuke keeps his head on Narutos chest, with his ear listening to the pattern of his heart beating. He glanced up at him, looking for a reason why. But he doesn't respond but tightens his eyes closed. He feels his hand over his head. "Naruto, I...". Naruto let go of his grip and laid back. Sasuke looks at him looking for a confrontation, if he felt like that towards him. Naruto wires his head to look somewhere else. Sasuke eyes him and tilted to see his face. He was lightly blushing and had a pouting face. Sasuke sighed and got closer. "Listen, I understand you're still working on your feelings towards me, but you're definitely confused about it". Naruto moved his eyes to him and crossed his arms." Yeah, it's still kinda new to me, but I'm sure I'll figure it out". He got closer and removed his arms to zipper up his jacket. Naruto gave a small pout, buffing his cheek. Sasuke chuckled. "You're such a child". Before flicking his forehead.


The week passed by before anyone knew it. Naruto started to show more confidence in his relationship with Sasuke. Other wise, making him comfortable and the two talking when they felt hopeless or miserable. Sasuke got slowly use to the change and he grew his feelings more towards him. He got comfortable talking to Naruto. Although he writing his dreams to put them all together.

He believes what the child like Naruto so true since he protects him and never brought harm in his way. So far monitoring himself, he noticed it was just a bunch of past mistakes and regret he felt, pouring in his head. One thing he knew for sure is the Naruto as a small Genin is hate or unforgiveness. He wasn't so sure what it meant and why his own self would be upset since so far he has been content with his life in the last few weeks.

The taller Naruto is most likely some petty ass or some sadist. He just liked playing with him and then continually hit him, while grinning. He was strange and never got understood by him. He still tried figuring out what was the child version is. Well, he was sweet and protective, but he felt he was still going to go against him.

He sighed and decided to sleep. He's been awake since the early morning and it's late, plus naruto was probably already asleep. He got up and walked over to the room, sitting on the bed. He quiet hoped the best and laid down next to him. Softly pulled out his hands on to his chest and focused on the ceiling, before closing his eyes. Please let me sleep in            peace.


'Welcome back'

¹It's cold again. There wasn't much to look at, other than a void. The place was empty and felt so... ambience. The lack of presences are no one to be found never me. I decided to start walking and found a town. It was small and looked ghosted. This feeling was making me uneasy, almost sick.

I passed around the town and decided to head back to the empty space. It's sure as hell wasn't meant to be this empty, specially when I felt I was waiting for someone. Who is it I'm preparing to meet? What it the Narutos? "No, if no ones here, surely they won't be hear". I spoke out loud. "Yeah, maybe they weren't coming?". I turned back quickly to see a mirror, with the taller Naruto. He smiled sinisterly and laughed. "What's with the face? I am sure you're not scared? Are you?". He's getting on my nerves again. "And what do you want today?". He stands there, like he was frozen, with his hands behind his back. I walked closer. "What is it with you?! Huh? Why do you keep messing with me?!". He stood since before bursting into laughter. "Oh, I'm just teasing you! You're so serious, you need to calm down". I felt outraged by him saying I was the one need to calm down. I wasn't the crazy one. He is. "No, you keep messing with my head again!". I was practically yelling at this point. It felt a I was being fueled with anger, this feud has gone enough. "You're so cute! I wonder if what the real Naruto thinks that? He's probably not, it's he still not ready, for what was it? A relationship with you~?". He got me. I was fuming and pulled out my sword, charging at him at full speed at him. The mirror sliced in half, falling on the ground. I panted and stood up. "Oh well, that's a pity". A voice behind me said.

Another mirror?! I charged in with my fist, shattering it to shards. My fist bled out, and small glass pieces between them. Shit, it hurts. "My, that's ashamed,..my turn!". Wait what? He disappeared. All was heard is laughter surrounding the room. Focus man, focus. I activated my sharingan. He appeared behind me. Smack. "Oh my, with your sharingan and still missing?". He was slowly creeping in head. But I couldn't help but be angry at him. I keep charging, kicking, punching, and cutting the mirrors. Nothing was working. He kept laughing and would place a punch or two without me noticing. This was getting hopeless. I fell to the ground in agony. My whole body felt in flames.

He kept mocking me and laughing. I was tried and didn't feel like trying again. I glanced up a bit to see his feet at least 5 feet away from me. "Man,..you really are pathetic". He commented. I didn't care anymore, I just wished he leave me alone. Just then tiny droplets and footsteps coming dashing to stop him. He slide in front of me and holding his arms out blocking him. "Oh, it's you again". It's the child version and he looked upset and determined. "You'll leave this man alone!". He yelled. The taller one scoffed and crossed his arms. "Fine, but don't expect me to let him go easily". He laughed and blew a kiss, before disappearing. The child looked at me. He seemed sad and placed his hand on my forehead. He slides down, covering my eyes. The last thing heard was a whisper.
"Wake up".



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