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Segundo^ rest love ❤️

(Btw is dec 1, you know who's defrosted)

(💕Self harm and violence ⚠️)


It's cold;no freezing.

The surrounding is dark and no one is around. ¹Where is everyone? It didn't matter, as long as he doesn't come back. I'm fine. I hated everything here, the stupid Narutos, the emptiness, the noise and silence, it's bothering my head. I need to leave, I need to wake up. I thought when the kid told me to, it would work. Searched around the hallow space. It so pointless. No one being here scares me, I'm not sure why. Everything was happening so fast blinking changed everything in seconds. There were walls and little light around. And there I saw it, another damn mirror.

It's attemping to approach or smash it. I don't know what to do about the stupid mirror. I kept wondering, there was a door leading to a hallway. It's so empty. My stomach aches. Like I'm not suppose to go down there. I can't back down, not now. Either way, I had to go. The door I came from disappeared. The lights flickered, swinging from the ceiling. I crept slowly down the path. My heart pounds, knowing it's a trap. Even if it was, there was no turning back.

Small whimpers can be heard. I couldn't make out who or where, until a door appeared where the mirror was at. The end of the hall. This is definitely a trap. Damn, it doesn't matter anymore. I ran fast down the hallway. No matter how fast, it seem to stretch farther and farther away from me. Come on. It seemed so close, I could reach it. I grabbed the handle and swinged the door open. It's the pocket. He's on the floor, sobbing. What happened, this room is oddly terrifying. The walls were old and molded. There was a small, completely destroyed bed with a nightstand. There's a radio on the nightstand playing some distorted song and a dresser next to it. In the middle of the room was a rug he was laying on. The room was grey, and dark,like a inked picture. Pocket doesn't respond or stop crying. Then the lights flickered,completely blacking out the room.

A pond. It's small and a kid swings his legs from the short dock. His holding something, and humming his tune. I need to approach him. I assumed it was pocket, from the tune his humming. And my luck, I was right. His holding a kunai and..; scraping of his forearm skin. "Hey, what the hell?!". I yelled. He turned up to me with dull dead eyes. He's lost, almost decaying. He turned back continuing. "Stop". He doesn't respond. I bent my knees slightly and shook him. He ignored me. I got frustrated and snapped. "Would you quit that!?". He stop and placed his hands on his lap. He stood there, turning a glance at me and completely cutting his arm. He looked..dead. Why? Why? "Why!?". He frowned and leans himself off the dock,into the water. I rushed to him, stumbling on my on feet, falling in.

Falling in deeply.


I need to wake up. This stupid dream has gone far enough. I got up and looked around. Alone, again. I leaned my head just to feel a pair of legs. It's that young Naruto. He's calm and glaring down at me. What does he want? He's silent and isn't even breathing. I got up and looked at him. "Tch, is something I can help you with?".

He stares at me. The more he does, the more ringing I can hear. I covered my ears. "Fall". Is all he said with his hand pointing at me, then the ground. I couldn't help but do so; like a force was controlling me. The noise and ringing is wringing my head. I was on my knees and breathing hard. He just stared at me with a menacing glare. The louder it, the more smaller I felt. I was basically on the floor now, shaking, waiting for this to end.

And it did


Eyes slightly open to the movement of someone shaking him. He looks up to see Naruto, in a white tee shirt. He tilts his head with a confused expression. "Sas..uke?". He asked, with a bit of worry. He got up and stared at him intensely. "Urm, you're not d-". Before he finished, Sasuke grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeve up. Nothing; no scars, no harm. He sighed in relief and glanced up at his face. Naruto felt concerned and stunned by the quick action. "Um, are you feeling okay?". Sasuke frowned and held his arms tightly." I'm fine, but do you ever think of hurting yourself". He growled. Naruto looks at him confused and shrugged off his arm. "I, um, won't. Anyways you should shower, I'll wait out". He walked to the door frame and paused. "We'll take turns, till you try to calm yourself down". Sasuke eyes widen and stepped away. He left the kitchen without turning back to him. He stands their and scoffed.


He lays down in tub soaking in the water. His eyes were just at the water. He remembers the times if him and Naruto. The groupings of team 7, the chunin exams, Orochimaru rescue team. The things he done, makes him feel small. The last time they met, the first time after he left the village. Everything in between, like he never improved at all compared to him. The times they worked together, and when they 'did it'. He liked the feeling of being over him, even if he doesn't do as much as him. The feeling of him can't get on top of him made him feel useless.

He circled the water and decided to go get ready for bed. He got up and walked over the tub to changed.

He walked out to see Naruto laying facing away from him. He's probably upset from earlier's lash-out. He walks and sides in the bed behind him. Naruto doesn't say anything, holds his arms close to him. Sasuke sighed, "look, I'm sorry for earlier". He doesn't respond or turn to him. Sasuke lightly tapped his shoulder, just for Naruto to shrug him off. The sudden movement stunned sasuke since he never been this type of upset before with him, was this; The silent treatment? He scoffed and grabbed his arm, turning him aggressively. "What the hell?!". He said annoyed. Sasuke frowned. "I'm not doing this no talking shit with you". Naruto pouted and looks away. "I wasn't ignoring you, by the way". He said with a hint of sass. Sasuke looks at and leaned closer. "Don't be like that ". He said. Naruto rolled his eyes and turned back around. Sasuke sighed and reluctantly looked at his back. He drew a line down his back with his finger. Naruto shivered at the sudden pattern. Sasuke chuckled silently and got close. So close where he was basically body to body with Narutos back. He then lightly brushed his hair out from his ear, leaning in. "Naruto.. I want to do it".


You know what's next 😏😏

You know what's next 😏😏

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