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Naruto and Sasuke finished showering and walked back to the room. Naruto sat on the bed and Sasuke followed. "There has to be something we can do to help you". Sasuke sighed "hn, not that I know of, let's just wish for the best". Naruto grabs his hand and smiles. "If anything happens, trying walking up soon as you can!". Sasuke shrugs.
The two sleep next to each other. Sasuke took a final breath and closes his eyes.


★ dreamin ★

¹I stand in a hallow room. I wasn't ready. I took a breath and looked around. "Naruto! I need to speak with you!" I yelled. There wasn't any response. A mirror appears with others following the first. "Let's just talk, Naruto!" I yelled. "Ok" said a voice behind me. I turned to see him in the mirror. It's his normal self. "No, I meant the smaller one". He tilted his head sideways at me. " I need to speak to him".

He shrugged and walked out the mirror. The mirror sinks in the ground. "Why? Why must you speak with him?". I sighed "I need to know why he's upset with me". "Oh" he said slyly. "So where is he?". He crossed his arms and shrugs again. I didn't like his attitude, he's so.. sarcastic. He got closer to me. "Where do you think he is?" He points to me. I shook my head, "I don't know , that's why I'm asking you". He pouted and looks like me with a face..of pure.. evil. He lifts his hand and pointed behind me.

I glanced over me. His suddenly sucker kicks my stomach. "What the-" I didn't get to finish. He got down and grabs me by my hair. He smiles and kisses me forehead. "What was that for?!" I yelled. He got so emotional and cried, "oh! Why are you so dumb?". He tilted my head to his left side. There stood the younger Naruto. "You! I need to speak to you!". He let's go of my hair and gets up. I glared at him. He holds the hand of the kid version. "Hey kid, why are you so mad?". He doesn't respond. He just hides behind the taller Naruto. "Oh no, I don't think he feels like talking. Oh well! Maybe next time?" He glares down at me, coldy. Come on wake up, wake up, wake up. Wake up!


³ he pants wake to see Naruto laying next to him. He slowly breathes and sighed. It's just a dream. He lays there, dazed at the ceiling. He feels his impulse slow down and turns his head towards Naruto. He sleeps whispering to himself and hugs his pillow. Sasuke pull the sheet higher to him, tighting the grip. It's just a stupid dream, Naruto isn't like that, he reminded himself. Naruto groaned stretching his arms. He opened his eyes to turn and see Sasuke looking at him back. "Hey sasuke, you're wake early" he smiled. Sasuke didn't respond. You're wake, that's isn't him. Naruto reached his hand slowly to shake Sasuke when suddenly pinned his wrist down. "Ow! Sasuke what's that for?! " He screamed in pain. He glanced up at him seeing Sasuke enraged. "Sasuke what happened? Did I do something?". His face softened to sorrow. Naruto worried, "was it a dream again?" He asked. Sasuke didn't respond. He lets go of Narutos wrist. Naruto held his hand in his palm. "Do you need to talk about it?". Sasuke nodded 'no' and sighed. Naruto patted his head softly and pulled him in a hug. Sasuke jolt. His eyes saddened and hugged naruto back tightly.

"Naruto,.. you're so..warm"

Naruto blushed and dug his head in his chest. He felt him caress his back in a circle pattern. Naruto shivered and pulled away from him. "We should get up" he stated.


Sasuke paced around the apartment for minutes. He placed his hand on his forehead. He remembers the other Naruto from last night's dream. He started thinking of a plan to help him with this obscure dreams. He sat down with his glance on the table top. He put his head down and without remembering, he falls asleep.

¹I heard children laughing. I didn't feel like doing anything. I was tried of this cycle and torment from him. I keep my eyes shut. I moved my arms slightly, water. floating...

I felt my hair being played with. Small hands brushing out my strands. I shot my eyes open and looked up. It's him, but as a small child. He's at least 4. His so happy. "Naruto?". He looked stunned and laughed "yeah! That's me!". I couldn't help but think where were we at. " Naruto, have you seen anything or anyone? Like you?". His expression saddens and shrugs. "Yeah, but I'm different. I won't hurt you! Well, not that I can.." he chuckles. I felt relieved,but had my guard up just in case he tried anything. "You have soft hair" he laughs. I chuckled and slowly got up. He lets go of my hair and looks up at me quietly. "We should look around to see if anyone can help us". I held my hand out to him. He trouted next to me and held my pinky. He glanced up at me with a soft smile, "let's go!".


"Psst, sasuke". ¹I felt a soft hand shake me. Opening my eyes a see Narutos hips in front of me. I glanced over to his face, and pushed myself up into the chair. I yawned and stretched in the chair, then turned my attention to him. "You're asleep" he mocked. I scoffed and crossed my arm. I yawned one more time before asking him if he ate. He nodded his and scratched his head. "I'll make you something, just sit down". I got up and offered my seat to him. He sat down and I got to work.

"Its onigiri". I placed it in front of him. He glanced at me with a soft smile. Looked at him with a shock, it's just the dream. He stop smile and reluctantly look confused. I sat down next to him and placed my hand on my palm. He ate and offered some to me. I declined, I didn't have an appetite right now. He finished and puts his dish in the sink.

•°•°•bathroom ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°•°•°•
³ Naruto looked at Sasuke from the water. "Are you just going to stare me?" Sasuke said annoyed. Naruto pouted and looks to the side. They got use to bathing with each other and often did. Sasuke put his head back and sighed. He get up and motioned to Naruto to get closer. He looks at him confused and wasn't sure to get closer. "Come on loser" he whispered with a hint of annoyance. Naruto thinks before crawling closer to him. Sasuke glared down at him and dumped his head in the water. He lifts his head and looked at him with his hair in his face. "What was the for?!" He yelled. Sasuke just chuckled and crossed his arms. Naruto 'hmph-ed' and continued to bathe. Naruto rinsed himself off and turned to sasuke. He splashed water and laughed. "You're so childish, Naruto". Naruto shrugged and laughed. He laid his head on his shoulder, surprising Sasuke. He looked up at him and grinned. Sasuke sighed and leaned his head next to Narutos. He comments "You're something else", which Naruto laughs at.


Dry ass chapters 😫🤦

Dry ass chapters 😫🤦

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