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Ok so I'm back. Exams are thankfully finished and so that means another update today. Hope you guys have a great week 😊

Keira's POV:

Today we had a morning training session, and then some of the team had media, while the rest of us had the afternoon off, and then we had a late evening training session again. 

I woke up this morning with Lucy's arm wrapped around my waist.  I thought she was still asleep so I tried to cuddle back into her, but she then mumbled, "don't bother going back to sleep, I've just switched off the alarm", I sighed, knowing she was right and it was best not to go back to sleep, despite how tempting it was.  Lucy slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard, I instantly settled myself on her chest, just sitting peacefully in bed, before the day properly started.  I glanced over at the bed beside us to see both Charlie and Ellie fast asleep.  I glanced up at Lucy and whispered "I was talking to G and she said she's gonna sign for Bayern for definite now", Lucy looked down at me and whispered back "G will love it there I'll bet, how do you feel about it though ?".  I carefully moved so that I was sitting next to her and could look at her without hurting my neck.  "I'm happy for her, she needs something more challenging, and city isn't it for her, but I'm obviously gonna miss her so much", I whispered, leaning into Lucy for comfort.  "You guys will still have England camp, and I'm sure we'll see her as often as we can, but on the topic of moving clubs, we need to have a chat soon enough, doesn't have to be right now but at some point we'll have to chat about my club decision", Lucy whispered back, before placing a kiss on the side of my head and carefully getting out of bed.  I hummed in reply and then carefully got out of bed too and headed over to my suitcase to get my clothes ready, while Lucy headed into the bathroom for a shower.

While Lucy was in the shower I got my clothes ready and then went over to wake Charlie and Ellie up. I gently shook Charlie and she groaned and tried to roll back over but I gently nudged her again. She rolled over and slowly opened her eyes, "good morning sleepyhead", I quietly said. Charlie slowly sat up and then leaned against me, still half-asleep. I rubbed her shoulder, until she started to move about and slowly got out of bed. Once she was out of bed I went around the other side of the bed and started to gently wake Elleã up. She slowly sat up and then crawled onto my lap. I picked her up and walked over to her suitcase where I began picking out her outfit, with her nestled into my chest. Lucy came out of the bathroom and Charlie slipped in before I got the chance to. Lucy came and took Elleã from me and got her dressed while I hopped in the shower quickly once Charlie came out of the bathroom. Once we were all ready to go, we started making our way downstairs to breakfast.

I stood in the queue for breakfast, swaying gently with Elleã in my arms, who was still in the process of waking up. I turned around when I felt a gentle nudge and saw Leah smiling at me. I started chatting to her as we waited for breakfast. I watched as Lucy, who was ahead of me grabbed a small bowl of fruit and yogurt for Elleã, so that meant I only had to get breakfast for myself.

Once breakfast was over, we started making our way to the pitches. By this point, Elleã was wide awake and playing tag with Lucy and Charlie. I walked to the pitches with Leah and G. I noticed Lucy grab the little football from the stroller for Elleã to play with while we trained. 

While we trained I glanced over to the sidelines every so often to check on Elleã and Charlie and I smiled as I watched Charlie trying to teach Elleã how to do keepie-uppies.  G came over to me as I watched them and said "somehow I don't think Ellie is going to grasp how to do keepie uppies at 1", I chuckled alongside her, before we got back to training. 

As soon as Charlie and Elleã spotted that training was over they came running over to us.  Elleã ran over to me and I picked her up and began tickling her making her giggle, while Charlie ran over to Lucy and tackled her, both of them rolling around on the ground laughing and wrestling with each other. 

I watched them for a bit before making my way to the dining room for lunch with Elleã holding my hand.  I grabbed lunch for me and Elleã before sitting down with Leah and G. I got Elleã into her high chair and handed her her lunch.  I started chatting to Leah and G about whatever came to mind, before we got onto the topic of club career.  "We'll miss you like crazy G", Leah said and I nodded in agreement.  "I'll miss you guys too", G replied softly smiling.  "Kei, what's Lucy gonna do, with her contract with City finished, is she looking elsewhere or what ?", Leah curiously asked.  "We briefly spoke about it this morning but we definitely need to talk about it, I know she's had a few offers from other clubs, but it's not the same as G, if you know what I mean, she's got to think about my career as well as the girls too, so at the moment it's still up in the air", I replied, while picking Elleã out of her high chair as she was trying to get out.  I sat her on my lap as I continued to chat to Leah and G. 

Once I stood up and went with Leah and G to get rid of our plates I spotted Lucy getting up alongside Charlie, Demi, Jill and Hannah.  I waited for them to catch up with us, before I started talking to Lucy,  "have you got any media now ?", I asked her as we walked out of the dining room.  "Yeah, me and Demi are doing an episode of Lionesses Live in about 30mins", Lucy replied, "oh how fun, I'll come watch you for a bit, but I'll try to tire Ellie out first so she can take a nap", I explained, looking down at the toddler in my arms, who was looking around as we walked.  "Good idea", Lucy replied smiling over at Elleã.  

Once we were outside we headed towards one of the pitches where some of the team were sat on the grass chatting and others playing tag.  G, Jill and Charlie raced over to join in the game of tag, while me, Lucy, Leah, Hannah and Demi headed over to the girls that were sat on the grass chatting.  I sat down beside Less, and Hannah sat down beside me.  Whilst we chatted I let Elleã roam around, and I watched as she went around to everyone babbling to them.  Soon enough it was time for Lucy and Demi to head for their Lionesses Live chat. I watched as Lucy picked Elleã up and gave her a big cuddle before putting her back down in front of me, and then she leaned down to give me a kiss, and as she walked past the game of tag, she waved over to Charlie who was skipping away from Jill who seemed to be trying to tag her, but Charlie kept dodging her.  I lay down on the grass, trying to get of a tan and some rest.  But my minute or two of relaxation was quickly interrupted by Elleã walking beside me and laying herself down on top of me.  I grinned before looking at her, as she grinned down at me.  I sat back up and started tickling her, eliciting giggles as she escaped to the safety of Leah's arms.

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