Act Naturally

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Hi guys.... So... One comment on the last chapter.... Bummer... I thought that would be a suuuuper popular thing! I was wrong... So, yeah, enjoy and COMMENT! :D

"I'm just gonna go...." Amber said before Dot could explain. Thomas chuckled.

"Did she really-" he started.

"THEYRE SKIPPING DINNER AND GOING STRAIGHT FOR DESSERT." They both heard Amber shout to Eleanor. Thomas looked away and chuckled nervously.

"This is gonna haunt me forever." Dot said sitting down on her bed. Thomas furrowed his brow and sat down next to her.

"Why? This is no big deal." He chuckled.

"And why isn't it? It's so embarrassing. My friend is shouting to my employees about how we're fooling around when we actually aren't!" She turned red again, and looked away from him again. "Thomas." She said. He nodded in reply. "Please put a shirt on." She spoke quietly. He laughed and put the shirt on.

"Why're you so worried?" He asked, "Amber has kept your secrets so far anyway, I doubt she'd share that anywhere." He said. Dot sighed and looked him in the eye. She smiled a bit and had a moment of clarity. He wasn't such a bad guy. He probably was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Dot lost count of time. Suddenly she was kissing him. And he was returning the favor.

Dot woke up the next morning and felt arms around her. She had a minor panic attack. Ok, a major panic attack. She jumped up out of the bed and screamed. Thomas, in turn did the same jumping off the other side of the bed.

"What are you doing here!?" She shouted. She had pulled the blanket up to her chin. He had a scared look in his eyes.

"Uh, I came over for dinner, then we made an accidental mess, after that we came in here to change. I was too forward and took off my shirt then you turned bright red, then we-" She cut him off.

"Stop." She stated quietly. Thomas stopped and looked down in shame, "Did anything happen last night?" She asked. Thomas looked back up at her.

"No." He said after a bit of silence. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Except for kissing." He said, "But that is all I swear." He sat down. Her stomach tightened a little bit.

"That was all?" She asked warily. He nodded. She sat back down on the bed, and put her face in her hands.

"What's the matter?" He asked, "I just told you nothing happened." He sat down next to her.

"Yeah, but that's almost worse. Amber is probably down stairs waiting for you to leave. Then shes gonna run up to me and ask me what happened. Then she'll call me a prude for not doing anything while I had the chance, and then she'll mock me forever." She said.

"Yeah, but I haven't left yet. I mean, it's only 5 am." He chuckled.

"I hope you're joking." She said, "I said it was almost worse. Ya know, almost worth compromising my thought system." She stood up and ran a hand through her hair.

"What is so wrong about us being together?" He asked, "If you don't mind, that is." She sighed.

"It's just that I feel like if you sleep with someone you don't know is the one, then you run the risk of cheating on the one." She said sighing, "So, you wouldn't like it if your girlfriend, or wife even, tells you she cheated on you once you go home. I read somewhere you had a girlfriend. I mean, wouldn't that suck?" She said, "And look, you cheated on her with me. And I can't even pull the whole "I didn't know she existed" card either." Dot suddenly felt the urge to take a shower. A really long shower. Like, Thomas would be able to make it home before she got out.

"What?" He asked, "Oh Isabelle? We never dated, she's my sister's best friend. She's basically my stage girlfriend." He said softly.

"Really?" She asked, "Why do you even have one of those?" She asked.

"Due to people asking me out. Claiming they knew me already, or even that they're huge fans, and they loved every single one of my movies. I even got one who sent me a link to her "wattpad" account. Whatever "wattpad" is. I never looked. She seemed cute, but also slightly creepy." Thomas said. Anyway, Isabelle and I came forward as a couple, and now people generally leave me alone. But I wouldn't turn down a relationship with a smart, beautiful, sweet girl." He said getting closer.

"Stop." She said, "I need you to prove it." She said. He chuckled.

"We're miles away from my house, how could I prove it?" He asked laughing nervously.

"I don't know, but if you care, and you really wanna be with me then you'd prove it." She said opening her door, "you should probably go." She said. He jumped a bit at what was outside the door.

Amber was curled up in a ball asleep. She clearly had been waiting so she would be the first to know about what had happened.

"Thomas?" Eleanor called quietly from down the hall, "might want to come quick son. There's lots of people outside." He nodded and jumped over Amber.

Dot watched him run down the hall and through the door to the back of the house. She sat back down on her bed and looked around.

"Is being with him really worth running the risk of me not being Terry anymore?" She asked herself.

"I don't know." It was Amber, "Who said anyone would figure it out?" She asked, "I mean, who could connect you to those books anyway?"

"Oh, I don't know, Mortimer Louden." Dot replied coldly.

"Oh, well you never know how he thinks. His article about us comes out tomorrow!" Amber smiled, "and who knows? Maybe it'll be good!" Amber was always the optimist.

"Yeah, but so is Day 4 of Casting for my movie." I said. Amber nodded excitedly.

"I'm auditioning tomorrow!" She laughed, "so tell me what happened between you and Thomas!"

"I guess... I Fell..." She said.

If I Fall (A Thomas Sangster FanFic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now