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Dot ran up the stairs to her room and sat down on her bed.

"Why is it that the only guy I ever trust turns out to be an attention seeking jerk?" She asked herself.

"Maybe he wasn't being an attention seeking jerk." Eleanor was standing in her doorway. Honestly, it scared her a little bit. She sighed.

"Maybe? I know he was! The press knew him by name!" She said.

"As does most of London." Eleanor said, "He's a famous actor that was followed to a person's house! It was meant as nothing against you! They just wanted a picture of Thomas and whoever he was visiting. So, remember, no one knows where you live except me, Frank, Thomas, and Amber! Calm down." Eleanor's words were somehow stern, but soft as well. Dot nodded and stood up.

"I should call him." She said. Eleanor nodded.

"That seems to be the best option at the moment." Dot walked over to the stairs to the think tank. She turned around and watched as Eleanor turned to leave.

"Oh! And Eleanor?" She turned around, "Thank you." Dot said. Eleanor just nodded and left the room. Dot ran up the rest of the stairs and walked into her think tank. It was the only place where she would be alone.

She picked up the plywood he had his number on. For some reason she felt compelled to keep it. She dialed his number.

"Hello?" It was a female voice, "This is Mr. Sangster's answering service, please hold!" There were giggles in the background. She heard some muffled speaking.

"Listen, if Thomas is around then let him know Dot called. Tell him it's imperative that he calls me back. Sooner rather than later." All she got as a reply was more giggling.

"Is your refrigerator running?" Was asked by a male voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Enough." She heard, "Hello?" It was Thomas' voice.

"Finally." She said, "It's Dot, and I just want to-" She was stopped.

"The only way I'll ever forgive you is if you and I have dinner some time." He said. She sighed.

"Do we have to?" She asked, "Cause if we're seen out together I'll be seen by the press, and we all know how it'll go down." He laughed.

"No one could possibly link you and your alter ego! You have no pictures in your books, or any personal information out to the public!" He chuckled, "Come on! We can even eat at your house!" He said laughing. Finally Dot agreed for dinner the next day.

~(','~) (~',')~

"Amber. Stop." Amber was running around grabbing every little article of clothing she could find trying to match the perfect outfit for their dinner, "Amber." Dot grabbed Amber's shoulders, and looked her in the eye, "Calm down. It's my dinner, not yours. And besides. I'm wearing this!" She said. Amber made a weird face. Of course, Dot didn't care. Her outfit was plain, but comfortable.

"Come on, dress to kill! Not to chit chat!" Amber shouted. Dot cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you expect us to do?!?" She asked, slightly horrified.

"Well you are 24, and you aren't a child anymore! Something is bound to happen at some point!" Amber shouted enthusiastically. The doorbell rang, "that's your cue, go!" She pushed Dot out the bedroom door.

Dot smoothed out her blouse and walked quickly up to the door. She looked through the peephole. It was Thomas. She smiled and opened the door.

"Hey, Dottie." He said, he kissed her cheek and sat down at the table.

"I'll go check on how the cooking is going." Dot said walking out of the room. She walked rather fast towards the kitchen. Suddenly Amber and Eleanor appear from around the corner with food, and the next thing Dot knew she had food covering her clothes.

"Guys?!?" Dot whisper-yelled. She had sauce all down the front of her white blouse.

"Dot?!" Amber whisper-yelled back, "What are you doing!?" She asked. Dot made a frustrated noise at Amber and walked back towards her room. Of course she had to pass the dining room along the way. She was about to sneak by when she bumped directly into Thomas. The food from her shirt transferred to his causing his shirt to get dirty as well. Dot squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

"Did that just happen?" She asked quietly.

"Yup, I think so." He said, "Do you have any men's clothes?" He asked. Dot nodded and they walked down the hall.

"Just one second," Dot spoke quietly. She knocked on the door they were nearest to, "Frank?" Dot asked. There was a grunt in return, "Can I come in?" He shouted no at them.

"Well, it was worth a shot." Thomas said, "it's not really that big of a deal."

"No, it is! Hang on." She knocked again.

"What do you want?" Frank asked roughly opening the door.

"We need to borrow a shirt." She said. Frank opened the door all the way and let them in.

"This room used to hold all my old boxes of stories." Dot said quietly, more to herself than to anyone else.

Frank was digging around in his drawers and finally pulled out a dark green tshirt.

"Here." He said tossing it to Dot, try that on for size, I doubt it would be too small." Thomas thanked him and they walked towards Dot's room.

"You can change in-" Dot was cut off by the fact that Thomas was taking his shirt off right in front of her. She turned a deep red and turned away.

"You alright?" Thomas asked. She shook her head and waited, "Hey?" Thomas asked walking around to face her. He still wasn't wearing the shirt and now he was standing rather close to her.

"Thomas?" She asked poking away from him, "could you do me a favor and-" the door opened. Amber was standing wide eyed. Thomas was shirtless. Dot was bright red. What was going on?!

Well sorry for the eternal wait, I was doing other things... Like procrastinating.... And being ill... Which I still am btw.... Also! Please comment and stuff guys, cause thats seriously encouraging. The numbers dont matter to me, its the actual people saying what they think that encourages me. Please comment

If I Fall (A Thomas Sangster FanFic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now