Tear In My Heart

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414 votes and 7.75k reads when I'm writing this. And- wow. When I first got here I was barely gettin one or two reads on my stories I was super discouraged! I never thought I would be here- at breaking 1k overall votes, and having so many lovely readers! Thank you all so much! Oh! And what would you say to a sequel to this one? :)

Dot grabbed her purse and sighed. Today was the day Thomas was supposed audition for Harvey, the day Amber was going to audition for Amileen, and the day she dreaded every year- today was her 25th birthday. Thankfully Amber knew how Dot felt about it, but there was no doubt Amber had told everyone about it.

"So many reasons to stay in bed." She said to herself. She turned around to walk out the door when something caught her eye. There was something shiny in the bush outside.

She peeked out her door and peered around. A flash from down the road caught her eye. She froze. She pulled herself back inside and went to the door to her garage.

"Dot?" It was Frank, "Where are you headed?" Dot froze. Something about Frank's demeanor struck her as odd.

"Film stuff." She said, "What about you? What are you doin up so early? You don't get up until late most days." He shrugged. Frank turned around and walked up the stairs to his room.

Dot made her way to her car and got in. As she drove down the road there were various flashes. Not just regular sun reflecting off windows, they were faster than that. Dot came to a traffic light. Her car was suddenly surrounded by people, flashes, yelling. Dot couldn't see a way out.

She picked up her phone and dialed the first number that came to mind. They picked up. The walls were closing in on her.

"Help me" she managed to whimper before blacking out.


Thomas saw her rushing about panicking. It was Amber.

"Amber?" He askked. She looked immediately relieved when she made eye contact with him.

"THOMAS." She said loudly. He walked up to her and saw the panic still residing in her eyes.

"What is it?" He asked. She was having a hard time speaking,"Come on! Out with it!" He said. The words that came next were flooding out of her mouth.

"Dot was on her way here and she called me and she said help me and there was lots of sounds and panic and I didn't know what to do so I was asking people for help and they all thought I was rehersing, or crazy and- Please just help me find her!" She had started sobbing by this point. Thomas picked up his car keys.

"Let's go." And off they went.

They went down her usual route and soon found her car at a stoplight, still surrounded by people with cameras. Thomas pulled up next to her running car, and wrenched his way to the door. Though it was locked Amber had given him her a key to Dot's car.

He unlocked the door and pulled her out, gaining the attention of the photographers. They took all number of pictures of them as he carried her to his car.

"So," Amber said quietly, "What's up with you two?" Thomas sighed.

"I honestly have no clue." He glanced back at Dot. She was on her side still knocked out, "I mean she's told me an awful lot of things she qualifies as bad about herself, even though I think it's rather noble for her to have things like that." He smiled.

"But you don't know what's between you two? She won't even tell me that kind of stuff! Me! Her best friend of 15 years!" Amber punched him in the arm, "That counts for somethin right?" He sighed.

"I don't know. I just feel like when I'm with her I can do anything, like I'm alive! But I also feel like I can do nothing- like I'm on fire. I dunno, I just feel like if my heart were to be my armor then she would be the chink in my chain mail, the proverbial tear in my heart." He said glancing back at Dot. She was asleep.

"Pothole." Amber said right before he hit it. The car bounced. Dots groan was rather loud, "Avoid those if at all possible." She said. Thomas nodded and did his best to avoid the potholes in the road as they went back to the film lot.


Dot woke up in a car that wasn't hers. Needless to say she sat straight up. She was on the film lot, perfectly fine, and surprisingly well rested.

She got out of the car and looked around for some sign of how she got there.

"DOT." Amber said running towards her. Dot immediately embraced her and smiled.

"AMBER." She said letting go, "Whose car is that? What was I doing in it?" Amber laughed.

"You called me, and so Thomas and I went to get you! You're alright! Thomas and I let you sleep in there so nothing would happen to you!" Dot sighed, "Also, I didn't get the part... Neither did Thomas. We had both missed our turns to audition." Dot was suddenly sad. Not for her production, but for her best friend missing her big shot because of her.

"I'm so sorry." Dot said. Amber laughed.

"It's ok! Once I saw who they got to play them I didn't feel so bad!" Dots eyes grew wide with anger.

"They chose without me?!" She stormed away towards the casting director and grabbed her shoulder, "Who the hell is playing Harvey and Amileen?" She asked angrily.

"Oh," the lady started to look at her chart, "Well we have two couples left for the call back, and you weren't here. We couldn't just stop all productions." She spoke. Dot had to restrain herself.

"First off, COUPLES?" Dot asked angrily.

"Well of course!" She said, "You cannot expect us to not give the audience what they want!" The woman started walking away, "and what they want," she stopped and turned around again, "Is romance." She started walking away again.

"But that's not right!" Dot called after her. The woman just ignored her. Dots rage bubbled up inside her. No one ever listened to her. She kicked a trash can and yelled.

"Hey? Dot?" Thomas called from across the way. He jogged over and grabbed her shoulder.

"Before you ask, no, I'm not alright, and no, there's nothing you can do." Dot walked away from him but he followed.

"Look, why don't we go out for lunch? I mean, it's three, but late lunch never killed anyone." He suggested.

"No thanks... I'll see you around, I guess."

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