The End

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Hi, I reread this and realized I left so many damn questions unaswered and I am so sorry. The writing style probably won't match because I wrote this in like 2015 and I've changed since then so my writing has changed. I am, however going to do my best to do this so it matches and all that. This chapter is going to take over the two part ending, unless I can write it in such a way that it all makes sense to the rest of the book. Please enjoy the long awaited true ending because the other one was shit.

The days following the letter were good. Thomas took Dot on a date whenever he could and she found someone to play Amileen. And no, it wasn't Amber. 

The girl was named Leona Torrin. Her acting skills were amazing despite being a musician, not an actress. She was able to adapt to the british accent with little to no flaws and so she fit the character perfectly. The only problem was that how she didn't really look the part. She wanted the role so badly she was willing to cut her hair off and dye it a dark red color just so she could do this film. Of course Thomas dropped out as Harvey so they had to find someone else to play him. 

So they found a guy named Theo James. He was set to film another movie within the same year but it all seemed to work out in the end for them. He even looked the part of Harvey.

The director was a little more willing to listen to Dot when it came to the script and even the Set design team let her sit in and paint them a picture of how she saw the world in the books.

Amber did find a job on set, even if it wasn't acting. She was helping with costumes. She was an excellent seamstress and was able to create most all the outfits to match the book descriptions.

As for Dot and her identity- let's just say it didn't remain too secret after she attended the movie premiere on the arm of one Mr. Sangster. And she was ok with that.

After the premiere and the buzz about the face reveal passed Thomas proposed they go out to her parent's house to make amends.

"Thomas no." She said. He sighed.

"I knew you would say that." There was a few moments of silence before he started talking again, "If I were you I would want to be close to my parents. You are just them put together after all." Dot looked at him and sighed loudly.

"Fine. But don't believe a word they say." He frowned.

"And why not?" He asked slowly. She shook her head slowly.

"You'll just have to wait and see for yourself, that is, if you still want to go meet them." she said smiling smugly.  He leaned toward her and gave her a kiss before asking if she was hungry.


"Look, if it means that much to you we can go in and make nice, but it's all playing. It's all pretend. My parents will never take me seriously, and that's ok." Thomas sighed.

"It isn't ok. Your parent's can't be that bad. I mean they clearly aren't criminals or anything like that." He said gesturing to the beautiful house in front of them, "Let's just give it a go, and then if it all goes horribly wrong you can go home." Before Dot  could agree her mother, Gertrude, was walking as fast as her skinny legs could carry her.

"Is that my daughter?" Her mother was practically storming the car. She opened the door and grabbed Dot's hand. Dot smiled at her and got up, "It's so good to see you after all these years!" She took both of her hands, "Such a young lady." She mumbled.

"Hello, mother." Dot nodded, "This is Thomas." She said gesturing to him.

"Hello Mr. Sangster, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Gertrude smiled at the two of them for a minute, "Come inside! Please! I have tea set out, and your father is on the porch waiting!" Thomas turned to Dot as they followed her mother.

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