Chapter 13

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River's POV

I woke with a startling pain in my abdomen. I sat up slowly and grabbed my belly. I looked down and stared at the pool of blood in between my thighs.

"Jesse" I said in between painful gasps.

I pushed on his shoulder a couple times and each time got a groan in response.

" Jesse wake the fuck up!" I finally yelled.

He rolled over angrily.

" What is it?"

I let out a cry of pain and clutched my belly. He looked down and gasped.

"We have to go to the hospital." I said between pants.

He flung off the covers and rushed to get a shirt on.

" Mom! Dad!" He yelled, panic evident in his voice.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me out into the hall.

His mom stumbled out of her room and into the hallway.

" What's going on?"

"I don't know, but something is wrong with Riv. I need to take her to the hospital."

I felt tears slide down my face. Something was horribly wrong.

I awoke to the soft sounds of beeping around me. I felt grougy; my mouth was dry, my body felt heavy, and my abdomen hurt.

Instinctivly my hand went to my belly. To my surprise there wasn't a swell there. I furrowed my eyebrows and searches my belly.

" No no no no no no.." I said shaking my head back and forth.

A soft knock on the door made me snap my head up.

" Ms.Kole?"

A tall slender woman with jet black hair peered through the door.

She shut the door behind her and walked over to my bed.

" How are you feeling." She asked.

" I.. Um... Confused." I stuttered." Its gone.. Not here.." I said in a dream like way.

The nurse turned her head from my view. She cleared her throat.

" Ms. Kole, do you understand what has happened?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

" All I remember is pain, alot of pain.." My eyes began to water.

" Ms. Kole, I'm afraid you have lost your baby."

It felt like I had been hit by a truck. I couldn't move or speak. It couldn't be. This couldn't happen to me.

" No. She's still here." I said rubbing my stomach.

" Ms.Kole-"

" No! I didn't loose it!" I yelled out in anger.

The nurse gave me a sympathetic look.

" Do you want me to say with you for a while?"

I looked at her, my eyes ablaze.

" No! I want you to get the hell away from me and quite lying to me!" I spat.

The door opened and I saw him. My love.

" Jesse, tell me shes lying!" I began to cry. "Tell me she lying!"

His sad blue eyes said it all.

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