Chapter 11

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" Baby wake up." A soft voice whispered.

I groaned and pulled the sheets up over my head,I felt a warm hand wrap around the bare flesh of my waist. I sighed and smiled in content.

I rolled over and snuggled up to Jesse, I wrapped my legs around his and pressed my chest to his warm body. My eyes snapped open as I realized we were both naked.

I looked up at Jesse and blushed, he had a shit eating grin on his face as he ran his hand down my hips.

" We have school, if we get up now, we will be there in time for the lunch bell."

I gave a pouty face and sat up.

" Do we have to?"

He just chuckled and kissed me lightly.


We pulled up in the school parking lot and immediately Caitlin rushed over. Jesse barely opened his door when she basically pounced on him.

" I didn't know you had this lunch. "She says in a rather annoying tone.

" I don't." He said carelessly.

I got out and shut the door, I hoisted my books on my waist and walked around to the front of the truck. Jesse followed, but without any books.

" Where you going?" She asked suductivly, placing her claw like fingers on his shoulder.

" To class. With my girlfriend. " He said dragging out the last word.

Caitlin's face had anger, shock and envy written all over it. I smile smugly at her and walk hand in hand with Jesse to our class.

While in English, we reviewed chapters 6-8 of Fault in Our Stars. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and saw my dads name on the screen.

I'm not here to apologize, because there is nothing to apologize for, but your horse is out of control I sent her to Bo's so neither your mother nor I had to deal with the pesky creature.

I feel my face get warm with anger. He doesn't care, he never did. And he never will.

I shove my phone back in my pocket and rest my head in my hands. I rush put of the room when the bell rings and stuff !y book in my locker. I brisk fully walk to the gym and quickly change.

I walk out into the floor and wait for the coach to give instructions for today.

" Today!! Volleyball!!" She announces, her voice echoing off the walls.

I don't wait for her to pick captains,"Ally!" I point at her and then by my side.

" Uhh.. Jeff." I hear Jesse's voice beside me.

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