Chapter 12

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I look up into Jesse's loving blue eyes. The darkness I've felt inside had dramatically lightened,to the point where its almost gone.

When I told jess that I was expecting about two months ago many expressions crossed his face: shock, sadness,then joy,pure joy.

When we told his parents, his mom was exited about it, his father smiled and congratulated us.

I still haven't told my father, I'm scared to. But I have to, and Jesse talked me into it today.

Jesse places a hand on my baby bump and smiles lovingly down at me.

" We need to come up with names." He says placing small kisses on my jaw.

" Okay, what do you have in mind? " I giggled.

"Well i was thinking, if it were to be a boy his name would be Dawson." He pauses and looks down at me.

I nod my head'" And for a girl?"

He smiles" See now that's were you come in.. I pick the boys and now you pick the girls name."

I smile up at him and bring my lips to his softly.

" If its a girl, I want her name to be Amity."

" That's a beautiful name, River." He softly whispers in my ear.


I pace the length of the front porch, I look down at the picture icon of my dad and his contact information. My finger hovers over the call button. I close my eyes' take a deep breath and press it.

I bring the phone up to my ear and wait for him to answer.

" Hello?" He asked in a hard tone.

" Look, I need you to be my dad for a few seconds then you can go back to being whatever you call yourself." I say harshly.

The line was silent for a few beats, then his voice filled my ear this time a lot softer.

" What do you need River?"

I inhale a breath and slowly release it.

" I need you to listen."

" Okay." He said apprehensively.

" I'm pregnant."

The line when completely silent, then all at once I heard things crashing and him yelling.

" What the hell River?!?!" His voice boomed.

" I love him, and he loves me, we are raising this baby together. I called you because I care still, and if you don't accept this than you can just Fuck off!"

I hang up the phone and place my hand on my belly.

My eyes brim with tear as I fight the urge to cry. I clear my throat and straighten myself out before going back inside.

Sorry!!!!! ive been so busy with everything!! This chapter is very short and in sorry!

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