Chapter 2

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I didn't want to wake up.I was having a much better time asleep.And that's really sad.It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved.I woke up into a nightmare.

I laid there in bed for a few minutes pondering what I should wear today,I get out of bed and walk over to my closet.I pulled my red Cavenders t- shirt off the hanger and toss it on my bed. I pull my worn out boots  from the closet floor and shut the door.

I walk over to my cherry wood dresser and take out a pair of form fitting jeans. I pull off my pajamas and toss them on my bed. I pull on my shirt and wiggle my way into my jeans. I grab a pair of socks out of the drawer and slip them on. I pull on my boots and walk to the bathroom.

I groan as I see my swollen lip in the mirror. There's nothing I can do about it, so I don't even try to hide it.

I turn the sink faucet on and splashed cold water on my face. Afterwards I dab my face with a towel and set out on my hair. I spritz some frizz control into my long blonde hair and run my fingers through it. Letting the natural waves form. I then pull it up into a high ponytail and wash my hands. I put on a little mascara , hoping to draw some attention away from my lip.

I walk back into my room and look at the clock. 6:45am. I curse underneath my breath , grabbing my phone and haul ass outside to the barn.

I grab a bucket and quickly pour some horse feed into it. I jog and set it down by her stall. I rush and grab another bucket and fill it with water.

" Hey baby." I say in a sweet voice as I open Angel's stall door. I grab the buckets and place them down in the far corner.

She blows hot air out from her nose making the hair on my arm stand up. I smile and pet her long neck.

" You're so beautiful." I say in coaxing voice. She neighs as if she were agreeing with me.

I took a step back and admired her, she stands tall and strong. Her cream colored coat shines in the morning light. Her white mane flopping to one side, but the thing that stood out the most was the black marking on her rear. It resembled an angels wing.

I sigh. This horse is basically my only joy, well besides my best friend Nicole.

I check the time on my phone.

" Shit!" I exclaim.

Angel jerks her head up and whines, as if she were scolding me.

" Sorry girl, I gotta go. I'll see you after school."

I shove my phone in my back pocket and close her stall. I run out of the barn seeing Nicol's black Jeep in the driveway.

I run to her car and hop in. I sit there in the seat trying to catch my breath.

" Sorry, I had to take care of Angel." I finally say.

She just shakes her head and pulls out of the drive. She glances over at me, then does a double take.

" What the hell Riv? " She nearly shrieks.

I look over at her.

" What the hell happened?"

My hands started to shake, so I clamped them shut and put them in my lap.

" I was just...petting Angel.. and she raised her head and um... busted my lip." I lied.

She looks at me apprehensively." Riv, you have been coming to school with cuts and bruises lately. Is something going on?"

" What?!? No!! Its hard work taking care of Angel!" I lied again.

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