Chapter 7

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After dinner I helped Mrs. Callen clean up, she was surprised I offered but she didn't put up a fight either.

" She's a keeper!" She winked at Jesse.

We all laughed.

" Can I uh.. use the shower?"

"Sure sweetie. Hey Jesse! Show River to the shower would you?"

He walked into the kitchen. " Yes ma'am. "

I followed him until he stopped in front of the bathroom.

" Thank you."

I shut the door and locked it. I stripped down and turned on the shower. I noticed there was a radio and thanked the Lord Jesus above. I turned it on and  hummed along.

I stepped into the warm water and relaxed. I wash everything and stepped out.

" Damn it!"

I grabbed  a towel and rapped it around my body, I tousled my hair with my fingers making it go every where,I combed it down and opened the door. I peeked my head out and saw no one I sighed in relief and stepped out into the cool hallway. I took a few steps not knowing where to go.

" Need help?"

I squealed and turned around.

" Jesse! You!" I whisper vigorously.

He throws up his hands in surrender.

" Sorry." He snickers.

" I just left my clothes in the room and I don't know how to get there." I feel my cheeks flare with warmth. He watched a drip of water roll down my chest and disappear beneath  the towel. He licked his lips and then looked at me. I squirmed under his gaze, His eyes hungry, he pushed me up against the wall and starts kissing my neck. I giggle and wiggle under him. His lips find mine in a hungry search. I kiss him back, wanting more.

" Jesse." I whisper in his ear." We are in the hallway and there is only a towel covering  me."

" So?" He groans.

" What if your parents or your brother see us?"

I feel his lips leave my neck.

" Sorry." He looks away.

He leads me down the hallway and to the very last room,not saying  anything.

" Thank you." I whisper. He smiles and bends down and kisses me lightly this time.


I'm crying, in a corner crying. I hear glass break then her scream my name,she stumbles over to me and grabs me by my hair and drags me across the floor. I scream and try to get away, but she doesn't let got.

" Shut up!" She yells and punched me in the stomach.

She let's go of my hair and kicks me in the gut. I cry out again and see blood spilling between my legs.

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