Chapter 10

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Jesse and I missed school today, his dad phoned in for us explaining the situation.

Ms. May dropped off our essay to the front office before she went to work. Everyone was miserable, but the parents still had to go to work, even more now to pay for Mikey's hospital bills.

He's still in the hospital and the doctor said that he would be there a few weeks if not more.

" Come lay down with me." Jesse voice came out raspy and odd.

I hadn't notice I've been staring blankly out the window until now. I walk over to the bed and curl up with Jesse. I lay my head on his chest and wrapped my arm over his torso. He intertwines our fingers and gently kisses my hand.

" I'm sorry.. I just feel like I don't deserve to feel like this.. he isn't even my family.. well not blood anyway but I haven't known him long and.." I let out a shaky breath." I just feel like we have a connection.. maybe because I kinda know what he feels like.."

" Hey, I know its hard, it hurts.. a lot but he's not dead..."

I nod my head and close my eyes. We lay there in jesses bed in silence. Neither one of us can sleep, or don't want to.

" Jesse." I whisper." I need to get Angel.. but I can't go back there." My voice cracks.

He turns so he is on his side looking at me.

" We'll figure it out. " He says softly.

He kisses me then lays back down, we lay there for hours just stuck in our own thoughts not saying anything, just thinking.

My eyes started to close, and the darkness of sleep tugged me.. no begged me to just fall under its spell. I had no intention of sleeping, but I drifted into the darkness, I let it overtake my body and I slept.

I could hear myself running. I could feel the wind rushing past my face and the ground beneath my feet as I ran full force. I knew I was in a wooded area because of the shuffling leaves and the twigs snapping beneath my feet. I tried to open my eyes but it was black, total darkness. I couldn't see anything around me but all of my other senses were heightened. I was running from something or someone.

"Jesse!" I called out by my voice echoed into the void of darkness.

I could hear her voice taunting me, I could hear the faint echoes of her laughing, her horrid cackling. My real mother's cackling.

I started to run faster and I could hear myself breathing harder and harder. I felt like I've been running hours, my muscles burned like my body was on fire, when out of nowhere I just fell. I fell over a cliff or into a hole or something very large. As I was falling I heard her laughter get louder and louder, i clutched my ears trying to block it out.

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