Chapter 6

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" She's so beautiful." A woman's voice fills the air.

I lay still in bed, pretending I'm still asleep.

" I'm not sure whether to be proud or upset that he has a girl in his bed." A mans voice follows.

" Dad." Jesse says in a semi serious voice.

I hide the smirk on my face and pretend to wake up. I started to feel bad for eavesdropping.

I roll onto my side and bring my hand up to me face.

" Oh! Shh she waking." His mother giggles.

I rub my eyes and open them.

" Jesse?" I say in a sleepy voice.

" I'm here beautiful." He breaths.

I smile and stretch out on his bed. My shirt rises up to my ribs, I remember we aren't the only ones in the room, I pull down my shirt as fast as I can.

" Sorry." I blush.

I sit up and see his parents faces, his fathers is like stone, and his mothers is sympathetic.

" What happened to your side? Oh sweet your face!" His mother covers her mouth and looks away.

I burry my hands into my face, I completely forgot about the cut and my bruise.

" Its nothing really, I'm really accident prone." I finally speak.

I look up and see his fathers face turn angry. His mother opens her mouth but the dad cuts her off.

" I'm River." I extend my hand out.

" May." His mother replies taking my hand.

" Dean." The father nods and takes my hand also.

Jesse clears his throat.

" Oh!" His mom giggles and leads her husband out of the room.

Before she shuts the door,she winks.

I turn my attention to Jesse.

" Is it bad?" I ask.

" Its getting better, but its still a little purple."

I let out a breath and shake my head.

" Just so you know, my dad can tell when someone is lying, and by his face.... you were."

I look away from Jesse, not knowing what to say.

' Good going stupid! You met his parents for the first time and you lie to them. Smart.' I shake my head pulling myself out of my thoughts.

" I'm sorry." My voice barely audible.

"What's happening?"

" I can't tell you.."

" No, you can, its just you won't. "

My eyes lock with Jesse's.

" No. I can't. Its to...."

" To what Riv?" He seems angry.

" Dangerous... Jesse it to dangerous."

He looks away and sighs.

" I need to go." I say standing up.

" Riv... I-"

I hold up my hand.

" Its not you I promise, I just.. I need to go home before..."

He shakes his head.

" I get it." He whispers.

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