Chapter 5

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As I opened the front door, I felt instantly sick. I had to choke down bile in my throat. I was afraid she would start yelling and he would hear. I cursed at myself, I'm such a stupid girl! Why did I bring him here? Why didn't I tell her that he was coming over? God I'm so stupid.

" I'm home!" I holler " Me and my friend will be studying for an essay we have to do!"

I few seconds later she pokes her head out of her room, her dark eyes instantly change at the sight of Jesse.

" Alright sweety, just I don't want you held up for dinner."

I felt more sick to my stomach than I did relieved. Then I felt it, my stomach lurched and my mouth started to water. I rushed to the bathroom leaving Jesse in the entry way. I flipped open the toilet lid and started puking.

I heard footsteps approaching I glanced at the door and realized I never closed it.  I turned back in time to feel my stomach heave and throw up again.

I felt Jesse take the front locks of my hair and hold them. I kept heaving, even when I had nothing left in my stomach. My face felt like it was on fire and my belly felt like I just did a thousand crunches.

I final started to stand, I flipped down the toilet lid and flushed it. I walked over to the sink and rinsed my mouth out. As I was hunched over the sink I started crying. I didn't want Jesse to know,so I quickly splashed my face with water.

" I'm sorry, I must have ate something bad." I lied.

" No its okay, my little brother had cancer and he threw up all the time." He replied.

I turned around. " Had?" I questioned.

He nodded." Yeah, he doesn't have it anymore." He smiled at his sentence.

I felt more relived as I saw Jesse smile." Well I happy for him, he must be a fighter."

His smile widened." Yeah, he is. But everyone is a fighter, some fight harder than others."

I nodded my head. He has no idea how right he is.

I lead us out of the bathroom and into my room. I plugged my phone up the the small speaker I had,and put the volume low.

I walked over to the bed and pulled out my laptop from underneath.

" Are you going to stand there like a model, or are you gonna come sit?" I asked.

He chuckles and sat down beside me

" So I was thinking, we could give some insight on the perspective of the the person who is getting abused."

He cocked his head to the right" Okay, so maybe ad quotes in there about it?"

I nod my head." Yes, like maybe have a quote for two about how they feel."

" That's a good idea." He nods.

" Alright umm.. I'm not sure how you research, but I usually-"

Jesse cut me off." Look River, I'm not the type of person to leave you to do all the work and then take credit for it."

I look up from my laptop and stare at him in awe.

" Thank you.. I.. I've never had someone say to me."

He stars laughing. Hard.

" What?" I ask confused.

He wipes his eyes and looks at me. " You acted like I just gave you the biggest compliment in the world." He chuckles.

I feel my face get hot, not because I'm mad but because I'm embarrassed. I look away from him and blush. He lifts my chin with his fingers and gazes into my eyes.

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