Chapter 3

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Soap spuds cover the mare's body. River grabs the water hose and lets the cool water flow down the horse's body. She runs her hands over her wet coat to make sure all the soap is off.

River goes into a small tack room and retrieved a pick and a rag.

" Okay girl, I'm going to clean your shoes okay?" She said in a calm voice.

She bends down and places the rag on her thigh. She runs her hands down the length of the mare's left leg and lifts it at the ankle. She then begins to scape the muck out of the horse's hoof.

She repeats this until the all of the hoofs are cleaned.

" Fell better girl? "

I laugh as she prances around the stall. I slid the door open and walk over to the wall with her bridal.

"Wanna run?"

I remove her halter and replace it with the bridal. At first she didn't want to open her mouth so I could put the bit in, but she eventually did.I slung the reins over her neck and lead her out of the barn and into the pasture.

Her and I walked over the the fence, I climbed up to the second rail and steadied myself. I placed one hand in her hair and other on her back. I jumped up and pulled myself on top of her. For a minute she pranced but she settled down.

I leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

" Let go."

I kicked her sides gently and she started to trot. I shouted with glee. She started to pick up her pace and gallop. I let go of the reins and lift my hands up I'm the air. The wind felt cold on my face. My hair flying behind me like a flag.

Soon she is running, her hoofs thundering on the ground. Her strides are so elegant it feels like we are flying.

My joy ends when I turn her around and see my stepmother by the fence glaring daggers at me.

My smile disappears and my face drops. I slow her down to a trot and go to where my step mom is standing.

"House now!" She orders. She turns and twitches her body to the house.

I sigh and kick Angel to go and bring her to the barn. I slid off her back, my feet making a thud as I hit the ground. I small cloud of dust raises in the air.

I lead her to her stall and take off her bridal, not bothering to put on her halter.

" See you soon girl." I close her stall door and hang the bridal back up on the hook.

I slowly make my way to the house. I walk into the kitchen and see her cutting the bottom parts off some roses.

" You needed me?" I ask.

" No. You were  just having to much fun for my liking." She sneers." Anyway, you need to start cleaning."She says as she cuts an end off, and places the rose in the vase.

" But the house is spotless." I protest.

She looks up from her flowers and narrows her eyes at me. " I said you need to clean the house!" She raises her voice." Or I'll take you precious horse away form you."

" You wouldn't. " My voice darkens.

" Try me." She says with a grin.

Something in me snaps. She can take away my phone, my freedom, my room for gods sake but she is not taking Angel.

I reach forward and grab her vase of flowers, and slam them on the floor. Glass and water go everywhere.

" The hell you will, bitch!" I bark.

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