6| Silva

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"Look, all it is is a gala

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"Look, all it is is a gala." My father told me as he rushed around the house. "We want you to go."

"Love, we won't be around you, I'm sure your friend is going too." My mom explained.

Tara. The girl I consider the most soft human is apart of the mafia. And yes, she is going to this event.

Not because she wants to, she wants to prove the tabloids wrong.

She wants me to go too, but I'm afraid that I'll say something, or if she'll recognize the similarities of me and my parents.

Her family is allies to us, but I don't want her to see me differently.
What if something happened?
What if our families began to hate each other?

Tara <3

Are you going x
I wanna see you girl x

Yeah sure I'll go
Who's going?

Dan's going
I think your ex too
But like we'll ignore them x

Just more reason not to go. Dan and Zach are good friends, makes sense for how they act.

"Ro, you don't have to go if you don't want to." Dad broke me out of my thought.

Not to be a toxic bitch, but I want to show Zach how good I'm doing without him.
"I have a dress, I'm going."


"I love that color on you," my mom told me as she zipped my dress up, "you always suited light pink."

The butterflies in my stomach danced with each other, it felt as if they could never get tired.

"Right, we're ready!"

Mom and I walk down the stairs, feeling eyes on us. "My god," dad softly whispered, "look at you two."

He grabs onto my mom's hand and places a soft kiss on her knuckles.

If there's one thing you need to know about my parents, it's that they're hopelessly in love with each other. I remember their arguments, I remember their moments of annoyance.

But even after an argument, my dad would tell mom that he loved her.

That's what I want.

I've seen how they respect each other, I see how they embrace their flaws together. I've never seen anything toxic in their relationship.

Even the small gestures. How my dad plays with my mom wedding ring on her finger. How my mom squeeze his forearm twice in a row. It must be a silent way of saying they love each other.

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