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Young Rosette8 years old

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Young Rosette
8 years old

Dad has been doing more meetings, mom has been more stressed, Jack can't even look me in the eyes.

I don't know what I've done. It must of been something bad.

Dad doesn't have enough time for me, mom gets too stressed to listen to me, the guards don't want to see my coloring book anymore.

Am I too old for it now?

Have I done something bad?

Am I in trouble?


"Rosette," Lombardi shook me from my day dream. "Is this it?"

I turn to look outside, seeing Noelle's home. "Oh yeah," I mumbled, "I'll go to the hotel soon."

I got out of the car and ran up to one of the guards.

"Miss Silva! Bonjour ma belle!" Louis smiled at me.

"Hi Louis, is Noelle home?"

He opened the door and nodded his head to the side. "She's in the kitchen, I believe." I smiled at him and make my way into the house.

I hear Noelle's echoed voice from the hall. I followed her voice into the kitchen, finding her trying to "DIY" a weapon?

"What the fuck are you doing?"

She slightly jumped and looked behind. "You scared the shit out of me!" She shouted as she placed her hand on her chest.

Noelle then held her arms out for me, I quickly give her a hug before sitting down. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Hold up girl, I have questions for you," she said, pulling out her phone. My eyes widened as she opened 'notes' on her phone, revealing multiple questions.

"Okay, firstly, what the fuck happened with Torres? Were you with him or was that also rumors."

Her question took me by surprise, her blunt expression stayed still. "No, I was never with him but the rest, I have no idea." I clicked my tongue after the sentence.

Her eyes didn't move off her phone, but it was obvious she was listening by her raised brow and downturned smile. "Yes you do," she voiced. "You have to know."

"Seriously, I don't...it's just crazy."

"You believe he's dead?"


She then glanced at me. "Good, I don't believe it either."


"So, let me get this straight," Noelle moved her cup of water down from her lips, "you're legally engaged and can't tell your best friend?"

"It's not that I can't tell her, she was going through a lot at the time," I tried to explain. She stopped her hand gestures, this woman loves waving those hands in the air.

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