10| Backlash

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Play not strong enough for this chapter <3

Always an angel, never a god.

Always an angel, never a god

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It's been two days.

Only two days.

But these past few days have felt like hell.

I loved the event, the atmosphere was to die for. However, the aftermath has been...brutal.

Articles, newspapers, instagram, everyone is talking about it.

Let me read you some of the comments.

A: rosalie only thinks of herself and it's obvious

B: Dan is such a sweet soul, wish Rosa was the same. It's a shame cause she uses her looks for fame x💙

C: Have you noticed how much weight Rosa put on?

D: selfish bitch she doesn't deserve anything

And so much fucking more.

E: I've never seen anyone so self absorbed x

F: Who gave her fame? She need to leaaaaaave

G: Rosa is such a strong woman, we all know that. I don't think giving her hate will help, possibly constructive criticism would work better 🙈

H: Can we all collectively agree that Dan deserves the fame more

I guess Tiago was right. Ever since that night, I haven't felt normal.
God, when have I ever felt normal?

"Ro?" My mom knocked on my door. "Someone's here to see you."

I don't answer, I can't answer. My voice is tired of defending myself. I'm tired of asking people to leave me alone.

"Rosa?" Tara called out. "Can I come in?"

"Okay," I whispered, hoping she heard. I could barely hear my own voice.

The door silently opened, her footsteps got closer to the bed. I felt her sit down at the side of the bed, I turned my body to face her.

"Just wanted to see if you're okay," she said.

"I'm fine."

"I knew you'd say that," she pulled her bag up and took out candy. "Why don't we order some food, eat the biggest load of shit and watch movies?"

I gave her a small genuine smile and moved to the other side of the bed. She got in and rubbed her legs on under the sheet.

"Girl your bed is so comfy!"

My smile grew and grew as she spoke. Her presence calmed me down, as if it was something I needed to feel okay.

"On a serious note," she said as she turned to face me. "I spoke to Dan."

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