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I haven't told anyone what happened last week

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I haven't told anyone what happened last week. As much as I want to, I'm afraid that they won't believe me. Tiago is a nice man, he's kind. So why did he punch the cupboard?

That cupboard didn't do anything to you Tiago.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, my head ached with the thought of him. And he fucking lives in my house, I can't escape him.

Ever since, I have been kissing him, hugging him and I did sleep with him again.

God, what am I doing?

"Rosette," Cole called out. "You've got a splinter in your head."

"Oh, pull it out," I replied.

I've been quiet for the past few days. I can't talk because I'm afraid that I'll tell someone what happened. My mom and dad noticed my lack of words, but I just told them I'm tired.

I can't trust my voice right now.

I can't trust anyone.

Enough of Tiago, today I'm doing the last shoot for the new line. I finished the sketches and got a few outfits back.

More will be produced after the photoshoot, I'm already working on one right now.

I've got the pictures back from the first photoshoot and my god, I love it.

I wanted the shoot to look like paparazzi, multiple cameras and slight flashes. It goes with the name of this line, it goes with the aesthetic I'm trying to pull off.

"Okay, you're done!" Cole excitedly claimed. I looked into the mirror and seen a beautiful face, but it didn't feel like mine. I felt dazed and dissociated, this face wasn't mine no more.

"I love it," I smiled to Cole. "Thank you so much."

My phone began to buzz, "I'm sorry, I have to take this."

I walked out to the hall and answered the call.


"Little rage, I have a question," Lombardi said.

"No caller ID for this shit?"

"Let me ask my question," his voice became rough. "What do you know about my dad and uncle?"

My heart stopped, I didn't expect the sudden question. Why would he be asking me this now?

"A little, why?"

"Tell me everything," he demanded.

"I can't do that right now, I'll meet up with you later."

He became quiet for a moment, you couldn't even hear his soft breath. "You sound different," he said. "Why do you sound different?"

"Look Lombardi, I have to go."

I hung up and put my phone into my boot.

Yes, I put my phone in my boot, don't judge me.

I made my way to the shoot and kept my head high.

Let's get this shit over and done with.

Third person point of view

As Rosette worked her ass off, Tiago waited in the house for her. Five hours had passed and she still hadn't arrived home.

He continued to check his watch, he paced the halls and drank a few beers.

The signs were there, but Rosette couldn't see them. She didn't see that he was trying to trap her in a relationship. She was fucking terrified and exhausted from tiptoeing around him.

Once she arrived home, Tiago immediately stood up and went straight to the door.

"What the fuck Rosette? Do you know how late it is?"

Rosette took a deep breath and grabbed her own car keys. "I have to go out again, I won't be long."

"No, you're not going anywhere," he said as he moved closer.

"Tiago, I have to go, I'll be back soon," she stood her ground. He didn't like that answer, once again those sweet eyes turned sour.

He grabbed onto her hair and pulled her inside. He then pinned her to the wall with her wrists above her head. Tiago's harsh grip pierced through Rose's sleeves. She thought her wrists were going to bleed through.

She thought quickly and head butted Tiago. Rosette shook off the horrible feeling she had inside, "don't ever fucking touch me again, you hear me?"

Rose didn't give him time to answer, she grabbed her keys and rushed out to the car.

She sped out of the driveway, in case Tiago tried to stop her once again.
Her heart pounded in her chest, her hands shook as she sped down the road.

Her wrist ached with stiff pain, what has gotten into Tiago?

And now, she has to deal with Lombardi.

Authors note

This is how I pictured the photoshoot

Anywhooooo This is how I pictured the photoshoot

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