21| That Night

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Sometimes I miss the girl I was before the fame

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Sometimes I miss the girl I was before the fame. The girl who cried over the smallest things. The girl who held her trauma as a shield. I never wanted to be apart of the mafia due to the incident.

But now, I see why it had to be done.

I was eleven.

Only eleven.

Only the Lombardi brothers saw me, other than the Oliver's. But one of those brothers had a thirst for cruel acts.

He didn't do anything to me, but he was about to.

It was the first time I ever got a phone. I was so excited to pretend that I was a grown up. Little did I know, I was about to be groomed by someone I knew.

He was kind, caring and gentle with me. He would ask how my day was. Slowly it turned to uncomfortable questions such as, what body part do I wash first. Then he began to explain what a period was. But still, I thought he was trying to be kind.

That was until that night.

I was sleeping in my bed, tucked in with the nightlight on. I was afraid of the dark.
I didn't know what hid in the shadows, in my mind, I was convinced that something watched me while I slept.

But I shouldn't have been afraid of the darkness, I should've been afraid of the people around me.

He lay down on my bed and tried to spoon me, I was still fast asleep. Then, my dad went to check on me, finding the grown ass man in my bed.

He woke me up by shouting, raging screams haunted that house.

That night, my father made me watch him torture that man.

His brother, Luciano's father, denied the allegations. And so, in my father's eyes he had to go too.

But I remember those screams, I remember the look of torture and pain. "This is what happens when you fuck with a Silva," my dad repeated over and over and over.

I was terrified.

And that's why Lombardi hates us so much. I can understand that, but I don't think he knows the full truth.

And I don't want to be the person to tell him.

It's been a week since I was almost kidnapped. I moved into a penthouse so that I can get away from my parents for a while.

Not that they were annoying me, I just felt like I was in the way of things.

I'm not staying in New York forever. I'm only here to figure out what I'm doing with my life.

Another reason, Lombardi decided to tell my dad about Dan and I. How I punched him and that led into an investigation.

So, I told my dad the truth.

All of it.

And now, the both of them are planning on killing Dan.

I told my dad about that night, how drunk I got and how strange I felt. He didn't rape me, he only took my clothes off and took photos. But god, he had those photos held over me for years.

Then I became friends with Tara. She invited me to his house party and I made god damn sure that I found those pictures.

I don't know if he has more of other girls but I could only find mine. When Cecilia Lombardi came in crying about him, I knew that was his plan. Or even worse, I'll never know.

But now, Dan is hiding. I don't know who's helping him or who's doing his dirty work. I'm sure Zach is involved, he'd follow Dan into a fucking fire.

Tiago and my dad had a discussion over Dan. He explained that he was there, but he wasn't anywhere near Dan or Cecilia, he only saw what he done after Cecilia pushed him off her.

And with that, they're on good terms again?

And to put fuel into the fire, my dad made Tiago guard my penthouse. So yes, he's technically living with me.

I'm slowly trying to forgive Tiago, I just don't know why he would expose my raw emotions to anyone, let alone Dan.

But he's been kind. He's been gentle and caring, he made sure I was okay. He doesn't know about the whole Dan situation, I wouldn't let my father say anything.

And now, I feel completely...drained. Exhausted. Humiliated.

I knew he would've agreed to the mission

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I knew he would've agreed to the mission. Anyone that dares to upset his daughter is dead meat to him.

"I must ask you a simple question," Felix spoke up. "Why did you choose me to help you in this mission?"

"He obviously upset your precious daughter, thought you'd want some payback," I dryly replied.

His glare stayed on me but I didn't dare to give in.

It's strange how he lets his enemies go to his house. I've been here multiple times, and he knows I'd do anything for revenge.

Isn't he afraid of his families safety?

"Do you know anything about Tiago Cruz?" Felix randomly asked.

My eyes scanned his expression. For a split second, I saw concern on his face. "He's good at security, that's all I know."

Why the fuck is he asking me about him?

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