9| The Charity

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I got away from LA to have a break

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I got away from LA to have a break. Little did I know that I'll be doing quite a few events while I'm here.

Tonight is the CIS charity event, aka, children's internet safety. I hold this charity close to my heart, it's done some amazing things for children.

I arranged a jet for Charolette and Cole to do my hair and makeup for the night.

I have my outfits ready, I just need them to do the rest. However, I booked a hotel room for today. I don't want them going into my parents house.

I actually stayed here last night, it was the most comfortable sleep I've ever had. I've got to ask where they got their pillows, they are to die for!

But, of course, my parents are extremely overprotective and made Tiago stay in the room next to me. He's going to be here with me tonight, I just know the tabloids are going to go crazy with that.


"Why aren't you staying at your parents house?" Charolette asked me.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes so Cole could do my eyeshadow.

"Oh I am, I stayed here last night for the charity event though." I explained. "It's closer to the place and all."

"Thank you for flying us out here, honestly we could've got a plane ticket!" Cole said.

He hasn't stopped thanking me, it's made me feel bad for not doing much for them. I mean, they do my hair and makeup, I pay them then that's it. But I would like to do more, they both deserve it.

"Oh please, it's the least I could do!"

Someone knocked on the door. I asked Cole to get it and he did.

"Who are you?" Cole asked.


I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. "Let him in."

Tiago walked in and sat down at the edge of the bed. He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes. Something I've never seen before.

"How long do you have left?"

"Are you in a rush?" Charolette immediately answered. I didn't expect her to speak up so quickly, it's as if he annoyed her with his presence.

"No, I'm just asking," he replied.

God save me.

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