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Yunho always enjoyed the first few day offs after finishing the filming of a movie, especially for lengthy ones like Madness for Two. With lingering fatigue, he usually spent two to three weeks in solitude in his London apartment. He managed to clear his schedule, except for short radio interviews. After all, Yunho wasn't the most anticipated actor.

He found it more pleasant to tidy up the chaos in his neglected apartment during the shooting process, called his regular salon service for self-care – something he never did before becoming an actor, but now it was part of the job. Of course, he also indulged in the comfort of his soft bed, as during filming nights, Yunho rarely made it to bed.

He might only step out to go to the local grocery store. He tried to avoid junk food for a few days, considering it a detox since, during filming, he often ordered fast food or pizza due to the inconvenient timing of arriving home. The catering on the set was never categorized as part of a healthy lifestyle.

On this twelfth day of his post-shooting self-soothing routine, Yunho sliced thinly carrots and gently stirred the mayonnaise he made himself. Tonight's dinner menu was a standard salad and a few roasted potatoes, consumed before six in the evening. Yunho hated to admit it, as he still considered that dieting didn't sound masculine, but he acknowledged that he maintained his eating habits. It became part of his lifestyle. One rule you must have when trying to survive in the entertainment industry, like it or not, is to keep your body pleasing to the eye.

Some people may not care about it, especially some comedians who rely on, let's say, their body's weaknesses to make jokes. Or some singers who focus more on selling their music quality than their body image and appearance. But Yunho, unfortunately, was not that type. He was the kind of actor aiming for lead roles in films. He had no issue with height, and he also didn't want to have problems with his weight.

Yunho's phone, currently acting as a speaker, played "Stayin' Alive," and only in his kitchen did he dare to dance to the rhythm of the song. So, it was a pleasant evening. He was thinking of watching some films with the worst reputations. You know, horror movies that lean more towards being disgusting than scary. He enjoyed movies like that.

Yunho was considering watching The Asylum or The Last Exorcism when his "Stayin' Alive" stopped, replaced by the standard ringing tone on his smartphone. He walked to the nearby dining table that was still around the kitchen. He checked the caller ID and found Yeosang's name there.

Frowning for a moment, as if he was not used to being bothered during his self-soothing program, Yunho answered, "Hello?" Yunho barely spoke to anyone today, so for some reason, his voice sounded strange to his ears.

"Oh, wait, let me talk to—Yunho! I've got good news!"

"Of course, it has to be good news. You know I don't like being disturbed during my self-soothing program." Yunho could imagine Yeosang rolling her eyes on the other end of the line.

"Okay, Superstar, listen. Tonight, at eight, there's a celebration party for the completion of Madness for Two. Jongho invited some famous names, and guess who agreed to come?" The excitement in Yeosang's voice remained undisturbed by Yunho's lack of enthusiasm.

Yunho sighed, sounding lazily guessing, "Mahatma Gandhi? Houdini? Kurt Cobain? John Lennon?"

A frustrated exhale was heard. "We've reached the point of agreement that no matter how much you love horror movies, we can never invite those who are already dead to a cocktail party, okay?" A brief pause. Yeosang's voice returned with the same excitement as a moment ago. "Someone we heard is going to remake The Alpha Dog next year?"

"Oh! Shit! Really?" Yunho unintentionally jumped a few times. Yeosang laughed happily on the other end.

"Yuppp." Yeosang purposely played with the pop sound at the end of 'Yup.' It sounded enjoyable, and Yunho knew his friend and manager was putting on a pretending-to-be-cool face right now. "So, now you might want to make yourself look pretty? Or you can stay at home, eat salad, and watch horrible horror movies? Up to you."

"Well, I'm going. But I don't need to look pretty to get the role of Quimby Walker. Besides, there's someone who needs to look prettier, I think."

"Who?" Yeosang quickly asked.

"Someone who's trying to become the host's lover, for example?" Yunho laughed happily because he managed to make Yeosang shout his name annoyed. Usually, he avoided the chance to tease Yeosang because the retaliation could be more painful. Yeosang's pinches or hits are never categorized as playful attacks from a girl in love. It's more like the strikes of a martial artist from China.

After that, the call was abruptly disconnected as there was another voice heard commanding Yeosang, calling her. She only managed to mutter something about Yunho's pick-up car arriving at seven fifteen minutes before the phone was absurdly hung up.

Unlike Yunho, whose job is considered done once the filming is over, Yeosang still had to go to his agency's office and manage Yunho's schedule. Ensure the smooth payment and settling of all Yunho's bills. Create who knows what kind of reports for their superiors at the agency. It's not a relaxing job. If someone thinks being an artist manager is fun because they get to meet artists frequently and get paid to know everything personal about the artists, well, Yunho wants to punch that person and shout about how naive they are.

Yunho hoped he could quickly establish himself among artists like Song Mingi or those who had been at least nominated for Academy Awards. So that he could leave the agency and handle his people. Making Yeosang not bother with various reports about whatever for their current superiors.

Yunho was not a new artist. He had been in the acting world since he was a child. Dexter Sinclair Jung or Jung Ilwoo, and Lily Imogen Kwon or Kwon Yuri, his parents, were actor and actress with quite a reputation. Unfortunately, Yunho had to leave the entertainment world during his teenage years for a reason he rarely talked about. Everyone knew about that incident. At least everyone who used to like Yunho's acting when he was a child actor.

Then he re-entered the acting world after his mother forced him to take acting classes once a week while filling his first summer break as a chemical engineering student. And then realized that he loved this world – acting – too much to completely leave it and try to stop being a celebrity.

Unfortunately, the movie titles Yunho starred in had not been able to lift his name again. A few supporting roles in famous dramas hadn't made him as famous as he was when he was a child. And well, Hunter Jung's image as a child actor struggling to survive in the entertainment world didn't help boost his popularity.

Not that Yunho was unhappy with the achievements of the films or dramas he played in. Every role he played always meant something to him. It's just that society, people, they never measure anything from a truly positive perspective, right? Isn't it nonsense when they say to be yourself and then talk about how weird you are according to their standards behind your back?

But, maybe each of us is part of this nonsense. Yunho thinks for a moment. Yes, he was also part of all this nonsense. So be it. He'd do whatever he liked, as well as he could. And trying hard not to care about what people said about him.

Yunho stared at his green apron, and the scattered spots wandering there. Yunho nodded to himself. "Well, a shower isn't a bad idea," he muttered to the silence. While holding back the excited smile on his lips. He finished his cooking hurriedly without replaying "Stayin' Alive" and headed to the bathroom.

Praying silently.

He might get the role he dreams of.

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