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"Are you aware that your schedule is packed until the end of this month with all the promotions?" 

Mingi simply offered his antagonistic smile and ignored San, walking out of the room. He flashed a charming smile at the sweet receptionist who had winked at him earlier when he entered the room.

Mingi had forgotten the last time he flirted with a woman. All this business with Yunho had consumed his attention. Mingi hated Yunho for improving his acting skills over time, his shy smile, the pink flush on his pale cheeks, and his round, gleaming eyes receiving praise.

It did nothing to help Mingi with his task of merely acting. If Yunho kept getting sweeter over time, Mingi might have to go on a date with a woman now and then, just to ensure he wasn’t falling—okay, more accurately, truly interested in the same sex.

Because that’s a disaster.

Mingi mulled over names he could use as temporary distractions, ones he could keep hidden until the Yunho situation was resolved. A small debate occurred in Mingi's mind—one voice said it was too risky, while another said it was fine if Yunho knew this wasn’t a real relationship; he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He didn’t need to feel guilty. But the virtual part of his brain didn’t cooperate and kept showing Yunho crying in front of him. So real and detailed, as if it had just happened yesterday when he kissed Yunho’s forehead with no clear intention.

Mingi went into mute mode and ignored San’s ranting about the consequences of Mingi's actions. He returned to the real world when the receptionist in front of him deliberately held his hand longer while returning his pass. Mingi allowed it. The girl made a circular motion with her thumb on the back of his smooth hand. Mingi could smell the rose fragrance from her perfume.

"You have beautiful blue eyes," Mingi said, deliberately holding the girl’s slender fingers as he finally let go. Mingi wasn’t a man who ignored challenges right in front of him.

"I thought you were in love with a brown-eyed young man, Mr. Song," she said, her name rolling off her tongue seductively. Mingi grinned. He knew types like this. They were just like him. Challengers. Explorers who targeted various prey just to prove their power.

Mingi began to get immersed in the pleasure of finding his opponent's weak spot this time. He started by complimenting her thin, red lips, glossed with a light layer of lip gloss, and her eye makeup that made her large eyes appear sharp. The girl giggled seductively several times, about to reach for Mingi’s hand again when San spoke up. San, who had been fixated on something, Mingi didn’t care what. At least San wouldn’t pull him away for a while.

"Mingi." San’s warning tone sounded different than usual, Mingi thought. More like a worried tone for a younger sister, though San didn’t have a younger sister. He always had that tone whenever he knew Mingi was in trouble and couldn’t do anything to prevent it.

Maybe San saw Mingi as his younger sister? Mingi held back a laugh at the lame joke in his head.


Mingi’s sharp eyes followed San’s pointing finger. A television in the corner of the room, apparently controlled by a fatter receptionist, presumably a senior. The girl with the rose perfume seemed to seek entertainment by flirting with Mingi.


The girl who had been flirting with Mingi froze, her hand still in the air, just short of touching Mingi again. She made a face as if caught in a lewd act and retreated to her sour-faced senior.

"This isn’t good," San said again. His face wore an expression as if he had just witnessed the most horrifying traffic accident of his life.

Mingi could see Yunho looking uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure what the real problem was; perhaps he was being forced to sing. Yunho was a huge rap fan and wasn’t too confident about his vocal quality. But Mingi knew from occasionally hearing his melancholic singing, the voice wasn’t loud enough. Below the standard of a breathy sound. Mingi had to say Yunho wasn’t too bad.

So forgive Mingi if this sounds dumb, but in the end, he whispered softly to San, "So what?"

San looked at him like he was an alien buying McDonald's fries.

"You’ve kissed him several times and don’t know the tragedy of a Jung Yunho?!" San’s question came with a pitch too high to go unnoticed. So Mingi pulled San away from the receptionist’s desk. He hurriedly stepped out, letting San follow, and then followed him out of the building. San unlocked the car door from behind Mingi, and Mingi entered through the passenger side. San quickly followed suit, getting into the driver’s seat.

"It’s not my fault if I’m only interested in his poetry and not his life story, okay?"

"You’re also interested in his lips. Admit it," San said with a teasing tone as if it were the perfect moment to tease Mingi. San carried on the conversation while looking at Mingi in the rearview mirror, clearing his throat softly when he saw Mingi’s threatening glare, showing he was serious if San continued to joke.

"I thought all British people knew about this scandal."

"Sorry, your guess is off." Mingi replied coldly.

San sighed. The sigh he made whenever he was about to start a long story. "You know the partner he was performing with earlier?"

"Yes. Kim Hongjoong. An actor in several famous TV series in England and America, also some romance films. The romantic good guy character. In a relationship with Park Seonghwa, his co-star until now. They’re like the cutest couple in Great Britain. The typical actor with many fanatic female fans."

"You are too."

"I have more male fans than he does."

"Just as fanatic as your female fans."

Mingi rolled his eyes, signaling San to stop his argument. San took a breath and finally spoke, "Okay. He’s Yunho’s ex."

Mingi didn’t understand why that would make San sigh with a sad and sympathetic face.

"You’ve never heard about this scandal?"


San sighed dramatically again. Mingi wanted to throw his shoe at him.

"Listen, Mingi. I don’t want to tell the sad story of Jung Yunho when he was fifteen. And still being the brightest star in the British entertainment world, 'The Next Leonardo DiCaprio,' if I quote a US tabloid that interviewed him when he first got a voice acting role in a Disney animation. You should Google it while I drive this luxury car to the studio where Yunho is filming."

Mingi frowned, his frown full of important questions he wanted to ask.

"Google it. Hunter Jung and Etha Kim scandal. It didn’t just fill gossip magazine articles but also made headlines in several newspapers."

Mingi still shook his head in confusion.

"Seriously, Mingi? They even revised child protection laws because of this scandal. Read one headline, and you’ll understand why it’s so urgent for you to save your potential lover."

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