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"So, what made you interested in this role, Hunter?"

The interviewer in front of Yunho flashed a suspicious smile. "Besides the fact that this is your friend’s film and you get to work with your potential lover?"

Now Yunho understood why the girl’s smile seemed so suspicious.

He took a deep breath and ruffled his black hair. "Well, Tristan didn’t actually ask me to audition; he offered me the role and said, ‘Since you wrote the script from your poetry, you should play this role.’ I read the script, and after making sure there weren’t any nude scenes, I took it."

Yunho chose to enjoy the laughter of their cameraman and ignore the disappointed stare of the interviewer because he had decided to overlook the ‘potential lover’ phrase. Yunho preferred to scan the backstage area instead. He was set to appear on a popular quiz show on a national TV network. But Yeosang said he had to attend an interview for a teen gossip magazine. Per Big Matthew's orders, Yeosang couldn’t refuse.

After sinking deeper into the plush sofa in the waiting room, Yunho began to answer the next question. "I’m not sure what Magnus told you. He’s a good friend. We’ve kissed a few times for scenes and a few times for personal reasons. I don’t think it’s a big deal." Yunho held back rolling his eyes as he saw his interviewer stifling an excited smile at the phrase ‘personal reasons.’

Yunho had learned a few ambiguous words recently. He wasn’t sure how much longer they would continue acting like this. It had been almost a month, and the film's premiere was the day after tomorrow. Yunho half-hoped people wouldn’t take the media's gossip bait. Even though Yunho helped stir the pot, he had no interest in being involved any further. But disregarding hopes, Yunho knew people outside loved the gossip about them without needing media to stir it up.

What was clear at the moment was that he was exhausted. Why?

Because it was truly tiring. Mingi’s praise seemed more sincere with each passing day. Yunho couldn’t help but giggle, which elicited a sweet smile from Mingi. A smile so sweet that Yunho felt the need to check his blood sugar with a specialist.

Yunho hated feeling like a fifteen-year-old girl experiencing her first kiss every time Mingi stole a kiss on his cheek or near his lips. It often happened when Mingi saw a paparazzi camera following them out, or during interviews together, or when Yunho had to read poetry while accompanying Mingi singing due to an impromptu request from a show’s producer or the host’s impulsive suggestion. Yunho couldn’t refuse.

Yunho hated Mingi’s gaze every time the camera focused on them. That gaze full of love. Top-notch acting that Yunho could never rival. Yunho knew that.

Because if people saw the blush on his cheeks or Yunho quickly turning his face away out of embarrassment, it was not an act as good as Mingi’s. It was an uncontrollable, natural reaction.

He hated his body. More specifically, his skin’s response system every time he touched Mingi.

He hated his heart. More specifically, the blood circulation to his heart that suddenly pumped faster when Mingi did something sweet for him.

He hated his thoughts.

Yunho shouldn’t think he was falling for—no, he shouldn’t think about it at all.

Because for Mingi, this was just practice to hone his acting skills. Because for Mingi, all of this was just business. Because for Mingi, Yunho was still a second-rate actor who didn’t measure up. And he was still a man, and Mingi was never truly interested in the same gender. The talk about being bi out there was just a way to make their charade make sense.

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