King's Landing - Visenya aged 8
" Watch your feet, Prince Jacaerys! Prince Aegon, pay attention to the lesson!" Ser Harwin spat at my brother's and nephews as they learned to train with wooden swords.
" I thought I might find you here." I turned to see mother and smiled. " How is it that no matter how hard I try, I always find you here watching the men training?" She asked with a smile. " I like to watch them learn, I like seeing Ser Harwin and Ser Criston practice as well. The sound of their swords sound wonderful." I smiled at my mother.
" Come Visenya," Mother took my hand. " I promised Heleana we would have tea with her.", " Can't I stay until their training is finished?" " Not today, my sweet girl. Don't you wish to spend time with your sister?". I took my mother's larger hand and followed her throughout the castle.
" Of course I do." I smiled up at my mother. " I just love watching them fight." I giggled. Mother smiled and spoke to me as we made our way to the gardens for tea. It was such a beautiful day today. My baby blue dress ended at my knees as my mother hated how I always dirted the end of my dresses.
Once I saw Helena, I let go of my mother's hand and ran to my big sister. " Heleana!!" I yelled before I jumped into her arms. Heleana giggled and hugged me. " Hi Visenya, How are you today?", " I'm hungry." " That is why I asked my hand maiden to fetch you your favourite blueberry tarts."
I opened my mouth in shock before I hugged Heleana tight. " Thank you, thank you!." I squealed in excitement. " Visenya" mother gave a warning tone. " I've spoken to you before about controlling yourself when you get too excited."
I sat on my chair that faced out to the ocean, Heleana sat to my left, and Mother sat to my right. " Now let us use this tea as a lesson for you, Visenya. Show us what your septa has taught you." I nodded my head and sat up right as Mother poured some tea into my cup. I picked up my spoon and took one small teaspoon of sugar, and gently stirred it around my cup.
I carefully picked up my cup and took a small sip before gently placing it back down. " That was very good." Mother smiled at me. " Now, show me how you eat at tea." Mother placed a tart in front of me. I picked up my knife and cut a small piece off before picking it up and taking a bit, chewing softly with my mouth closed.
" Excellent, I'm very proud of you," Mother smiled. " You're a wonderful princess." Heleana smiled at me. The three of us sat and drank tea, laughing and making conversation for what felt like forever.
I sat back in my chair and stared out at the beautiful view that lay in front of me. The bright blue ocean, my lilac eyes never once leaving it, even when the sun shined down upon it and made it glisten.
I let out a scream as someone picked me up from my seat and held me on their hip. I looked up at my eldest brother, Aegon, who was laughing at my startle. " Don't scare me like that!" I yelled as my small eyes filled with tears. " Oh no, don't start with the tears," Aegon pouted at me, his long hair sitting right beneath his shoulders. " You know I don't like it when you cry." " Then why did you scare me?".
" It's not my fault you weren't paying attention to your surroundings. What kind of knight will you be if you can't even pay attention." Aegon smirked as I folded my arms and pouted. " Come now, a princess shouldn't pout." He smiled, tapping my cheek.
" I think you may have offended our sister too much this time," Aemond smirked as he stood beside Mother. " What if I said I loved your dress?" Aegon asked. " You do?", " Yes, I think you look absolutely stunning in blue." I gave out a small huff," Mother said. I'm always to thank people for compliments, so thank you, but I'm still upset."
" What if I promised to sneak you some tarts later after dinner?" Aegon whispered. " Then I'll forgive you forever!" I yelled. Everyone laughed as the clock began to chime. " Tea time is over, I'm afraid, so it is time to return to your lessons. Heleana, you will return to your septa and practice your stitching today. I will escort Visenya to the dragonpits to help her in her first lesson with her dragon."
" We have our lessons in the dragonpit mother. We can keep her safe." Aegon spoke up, still holding me on his hip. " It is a dragonpit, Aegon. I will not let her go and learn alone from scratch." ," We know the dragons scare you mother," Aemond spoke up. " That is why we are requesting we take her. Visenya will be safe with us and the dragon masters.", " You're scared of the dragons mother?" I asked." Even my little Merax?".
Mother smiled and rubbed my cheek. " I am no Targaryen, my sweet girl. I do not have the blood of the dragon to make me brave and keep me safe in front of the beasts." My eyes widened." Does that mean I'm in danger?". " No, your brothers will keep you safe. If you are afraid, you must find the courage to be brave and stand your ground. However, if it does become too much, then you can hide behind your brothers."
Aegon held my hand as the two of us and Aemond made our way to the dragonpits. " Are you excited to learn to tame your dragon?" Aegon asked." I'm very excited, I know I'll be able to do it!". " How are your valerian lessons coming? You will need to speak valerian to your dragon." Aemond spoke up." I know a little bit. But my septa and teacher say I'm getting better every day!."
Aemond opened the door to the dragonpit, and the dragon masters inside stopped speaking and turned to see who was disrupting their lesson. " You are late.", " We apologise for our tardiness. Our mother told us to bring Visenya today."
I walked into the dragonpit and smiled, seeing my nephews were here as well. " Ah, I see the princess is finally ready to take part in our lessons.", " I'm more than ready!" I smiled. " I like your spirit, princess. Let us call your dragon.".
I stood by the master as Merax was taking from her cave and brought into the room. Her small dark wings spread ever so slightly as she looked around the room. Her red eyes landed on mine, her head titling as she slowly crept towards me.
" Merax is too close to the princess," the master spoke. " No, let her come closer," I ordered. Merax came forward, sniffing me quietly as she slowly stalked around me. I smiled at her, my hand following the way she moved before she rubbed her head against mine. I couldn't help but laugh and rubbed my head against hers. " I think these two will be inseperable when the princess grows.".
We did our lesson, and Merax listened to everything I said. I was so excited to tell mother and father about it when we returned for dinner.
I particularly ran into the throne room. " Mummy! Daddy, I did it!" I yelled out as I ran towards the throne. " Visenya" mother tried to scold me, but Father laughed and motioned for me to come closer. I ran to his side so he could pick me up and sat me on his lap. " What have you done today, princess?" Father asked with a small smile.
" I trained my dragon," I beamed. " Oh, you started training your dragon, that wonderful news.". " Merax listened to everything I said." " Merax? Where did you hear this name?" ," I read it. I took it as inspiration from our ancestors Rhaenys Targaryens dragon, Meraxes." ," A powerful name for a dragon.", " She will be a powerful dragon father, and I will be just as powerful a rider.".
Father smiled down at me with pride. " You are a delight, Visenya. I look forward to hearing more about your dragon, but unfortunately, I must do my duty as a king right now and attend to my people.". I turned to look at the room full of people waiting to see my father. " Can I help?" I asked, looking up at my father.
Father smiled down at me. " Perhaps one day you can. However, some of these people have had terrible things happen. Awful, gruesome things they wouldn't want to discuss with the eight year old princess." ," I don't mind a bit of bloodshed father.".
The room erupted into laughter at my comment. " You amuse me well, Visenya. How about this, when you're more grown. Then you will be able to help me with my court. Does that sound fair?". " You promise father?" " I promise.". I nodded my head " Thank you, I will leave you to court Father.".

Visenya Targaryen
FanfictionVisenya Targaryen, the second of her name and second born daughter of Queen Alicent and King Viserys. The youngest child born from the Queen and King is just like her ancestor, Queen Visenya. Out of all her siblings, she is more like her elder broth...